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Thomas Herwerden
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To whom it may concern,

Five years I’ve lived in Missoula, and the coldest winter was the first. That year my skin was bit by -26F temperatures in the mountains. Now I fear it will never happen again. Only five years have I lived in MT but already I have heard the old timers lament that winter is not what it used to be. Circumstantial evidence at best; but, the data agrees.

Since I first heard of our global climate predicament I’ve been furious. It was some time around 2005, middle school. Adults, with their politics, economy, corporations and money. Fools.

Nothing has changed in 2021.


That’s not true.

The comrades for climate change action have reason for thankfulness in the new year. Enough pessimism. If you still deny anthropogenic climate change you have something to gain from it. The rest of us have recognized we have everything to lose.

So I’ll keep on freezing my ass off riding my bicycle in winter, picking up other peoples trash on the trail, carrying armfuls of groceries when I forget my reusable bags and only drinking the fine beer of Missoula from growlers and cans (because you can’t recycle glass). So hopefully one day you, who ever you are, can enjoy the rugged places of MT, in a world still fit for human habitation.



Tom Herwerden

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More Messages to the Future


Dear Evie of 2050,

I can feel the change happening — many people are working to transform the world.


Dear Tomorrow,

I’m not allowed to talk about climate change around family; as my mom warned me, “climate change is not something that people think about in Mississippi.” But I’m worried for my family’s future.


We will look back on our time here and ask, “What did I do?”

If we truly live our present moment, maybe you’ll have a future.


Dear Bella,

I promise that I shall continue to do all that is within my capabilities to leave you a world where there is fairness and justice.


Dear grandchild,

There is a place on this planet called the Amazon, and I don’t mean the online shopping site (is that still a thing in your time?).


I promise to take shorter showers.


Dear Hailey and Lily,

We know about this. If we don’t fix this for you, it’s our fault.


Dear X—, Dear A—,

As with our struggles to eliminate police brutality, as with hate crimes, so it is with climate change – there are actually a lot of people out there who care.


Dear future generations,

It’s never too late to make a difference. Our actions have very real consequences. We can educate ourselves, learn from our mistakes, and take action. We can hold companies like big oil and big plastic accountable for their negative impacts on the environment. We can educate ourselves and others about what causes climate change and what actions we as individuals can take to lower our carbon footprints.


To my great-great grandchildren,

I don’t know your name
or even if you’re alive,
but I’m doing all I can
to make sure you survive.

I’m your great- great grandmother
who lived a century ago
in a world far different
from the one you must know.


Dear love,

The world is facing some serious crises right now as Viral pandemic and war situation between Ukraine and Russia.


Dear Son,

I hope with effective action to combat this climate change will we have a better world in the future.

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