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To my young cousins,

I know you’re probably playing a game on your iPads right now or getting ready for bed, safe and sound in your rooms with everything you would ever possibly need right around you. You may have no care in the world at this moment because you’re all so young and naive, and just maybe in a couple of years your teachers will open your eyes up to what’s happening in the world. I’m writing this to you because I care about you and what you care about. I want to see you guys grow up to be compassionate boys and girls who will change the world. And I am writing this to you because I know you will change the world.

Right now, the world is not doing so well. Everybody is moving and living and working and breathing, but all this ends up harming the Earth because we all are just focusing on ourselves. We’re all taking planes to travel the world, driving cars everywhere, using plastic bottles regularly, taking baths to calm ourselves from a long day, and coating our hair in hairsprays every morning. But all these little things add up to be very bad for the Earth. The Earth is getting warmer which is doing horrible things to the planet like rising sea levels that can put islands under water, melting ice caps and glaciers in the poles that harm the animals there, and increased droughts all over the world. The problem is, some people are denying that this is even happening, that climate change is a real thing, like President Trump in office right now, and that is what’s preventing us from making significant changes.

You may or may not know who he is right now, but can you believe that the President of the United States does not believe the Earth is warming so he is not trying any ways to deal with it? And that’s what I want you guys to do differently. Whatever you do in life, I want you all to think about our planet. Whatever decision you make, I want you to think about who or what the decision is going to directly or indirectly affect. I am asking you to not be selfish when our planet’s health is at stake. I urge you guys to encourage your peers on helping the planet as well because it’s the little things that count.

I hope you understand what I am trying to tell you. You are the generation.

Love you always,



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More Messages to the Future


Dear Gabriel,

When the worst consequences of climate change still feel far away today, or the barriers to acting on climate change seem steep today, I do not think about today. I think about you, and your world when you are my age.


Dear Kids,

I know it’s long past time to wake up. You deserve a future in which drought, famine, and war are not all your children ever know; the choices my generation makes now will determine your future.


Dear Tomorrow,

My promise is to continue to dedicate my life, my business, and my future to creating cultures that embrace environmental action not only for our own good, but the good of the countless other species hurting from climate change.


Dear Future Explorers,

I am often faced with the question: why do I care so much about this pale blue dot that we inhabit?


Aos meus sobrinhos queridos, Ana Laura, Luis Carlos e Helloísa,

Talvez eu não esteja viva para ver alguma mudança, mas espero que vocês vejam e tenham um mundo melhor em 2050. Plantei um ipê rosa e outro amarelo, que eles estejam florindo até 2050.


Dear Tomorrow,

I will stop using plastic and will plant trees. I will also not waste water and electricity.


Dear Tomorrow,

I will opt up to deep green


Dear Makena,

Sweetie, you deserve clean air, water and soil. You deserve to thrive in an environment that supports you.


Dear Tomorrow,

I have solar and will be getting an electric car next week


To anyone who has heard my music,

I promise to care about the planet.


Dear Peyton and Lucas,

I want you to continue to enjoy bright, beautiful, blue skies, gigantic shady trees, chirping birds, scampering squirrels, sparkling creeks and all that this amazing world has to offer!


Dear Tomorrow

I promise to encourage myself and others to recycle more.

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