Since my two daughters emerged into this world, all of my tomorrows have become more dear.

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Ken Knapp
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To my wide-eyed warrioresses,

Cradling your daughter in your arms for the first time changes you—and your future—forever. Since my two daughters emerged into this world, all of my tomorrows have become more dear.

A climate-changed world is anything but a proud legacy, my dear daughters. But you have given me gifts more powerful than despair: wonder and curiosity, as well as the passion of my eldest and the resolve of my youngest. A father relearns about the world through the eyes of his daughters, which is to say that legacy can flow both backward and forward.

Whether it’s a vortex of 400,000 Brazilian free-tailed bats rising in the twilight above Carlsbad Caverns, a Marmota Olympus standing vigil outside its burrow on Hurricane Ridge or a moonrise above the canyons of Mukuntuweap National Monument, our planet is a place of profound beauty and complexity. Its emergence out the cosmos has been a fantastic journey, and this world will not go quietly into the night.

You are both authors of its coming chapters. Humanity has lurched along, inflicting both harm and help, not always in equal measure. Perhaps it’s time for “womanity” to take the lead. Teach me the things I must do, both big and small, then reteach me as new knowledge emerges.

But first, let’s hike somewhere together. The journey to a forever planet starts with a single step.

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More Messages to the Future


Dear Granddaughter Rosalia,

This is my heritage for you my beautiful cacheticos de melon.


Dear children,

Despite all the difficulties, we are from a family whose principles are honesty and love for others, and that’s what I want to share with you.


Dear son,

Everyone should be grow at least 100 trees in his lifetime.


Dear Tomorrow,

I promise to educate myself and others about how we can protect and nourish our 1 PLANET


Querida Emanoely,

Gostaria que você se lembrasse das lições simples que mamãe e papai te ensinou, como cuidar das plantas e dos espaços coletivos.


Dear Tomorrow,

I promise to only use metal straws and reusable cups.


To My Fellow Two-Spirits,

Thank you — Thank you — without you, I would not hear butterflies singing, without you, I would not understand black bear humor, or the creativity of jays planning their breakfast, without you, I would not feel flora whispers of long-lived wisdom on the back of my neck while sitting in Padmasana.


Dear Tomorrow,

Don’t use plastic straws!


Dear Malasher and Alex,

My goal was to help you grow into better citizens of our planet; to help you care about our natural world and to make everyday choices that reflect concern for our beautiful earth and our own health as well as encourage you to work together to make changes in our community.



All you can do is your best. You can encourage the same in others. You can admit your mistakes and those of your ancestors. You can learn from them, and help however you can. I’ll do the same. I promise.


Dear Tomorrow,

I promise I will bring permaculture designs to my community.


Olá minha querida filha Julia,

Muita Coragem e força para você enfrentar todos os desafios que virão, pois são com eles que crescemos.

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