To my unborn baby,
I hope in your time the world has come together and put aside its differences to deal with climate change and take collective action. I am only twenty one now, but the leaders of our world have been so stagnant in changing their own ways to fix the climate change issues that we as humans have created. It has been twenty years of empty promises, red tape and conflict that has keep the globe temperature rising each year. I live in Massachusetts a state that prides itself as being progressive and liberal but still hasn’t passed baseline legislation to begin the 100 % renewable energy process. The politicians and citizens are two divided in their words and their own thoughts to work together and do what we need to do. I still have hope that when I graduate I can work and communicate with organizations and people all over the world to invest in renewable energies, stop over-consumption resources and take environmental responsibility. It is my dream to see countries actively combating climate change and helping one another so that the planet ends up being a sustainable environment for you and your children to live.