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To my son Gael,

When you were born, my life changed and the future began to make sense. It began to have a new meaning, because the future, before that great moment, was only for me. I had just wanted to be happy with your mom, earn more and more money and be recognized in my professional career.

When you came into my life, my future became your future. And I wish that for your future, you have the same opportunities that I have had, with access to all the simple things that Earth gives us: fresh water, clean air and a safe place to live.

I hope that the actions (changes) that I am making in my lifestyle (mainly, only using the things that I need), will help you to achieve a better future than mine. I long for you to do the same for your children, and for all those around you.

With all my love.

Your papa,


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More Messages to the Future


Future Message to Earth,

Hope there will be no more droughts,
And no more pollution with which we fought,
Regarding every human should be taught,
Ensuring that we uniformly follow these thoughts.


Dear Tomorrow,

Don’t use plastic straws!


Dear Kiya,

Fighting for a system that rewards care for people and planet over profit.


Dear Rowan & Tristan,

I promise to do everything I can as a daughter to our great Mother Earth to protect her wildlife and trees.


Dear Tomorrow,

I promise to become more educated on the global issues that face populations I can’t see


I love you Earth.


Isabelle minha querida neta!

Nossa vida só tem qualidade se tem natureza ao nosso redor.


To My Grandchildren,

It’s my hope that the following will be helpful as you navigate your futures.  These are the confessions of a climate activist:


Dear Future Self,

I am scared of the things happening right now with our planet.


My grandchildren,

I promise to do my very best to educate your parents as best I can.


To the generation after mine,

But when you encounter that resistance–and you will, regularly–know that you must respond just how we have had to these past 50 years. With love, and sternness, and most of all, courage. Because that is what the resistance fears the most. We who came before you promise that we will do the same while we wait for you. Know that you will never be alone.


Dear Tomorrow and Dearest Lex, 

I do believe that the collective power of everyone’s best efforts can curb the worst effects of climate change, and provide you with a more stable and secure future.

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