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To my future children,

I am writing you this letter on November 23, 2019. By the time you read this you this, I hope that the things you read in this letter improve. The truth is that I am concerned about your future and that of all the future children.

There has been an increase in wildfires and hundreds of families have lost their homes. This is because there are strong winds that can cause power lines to break which causes sparks that lead to fires. PG and E have cut power for many homes in order to reduce the potential for more fires. However, it saddens me that people can’t stop complaining. There are children and families that are being displaced and missing school and even then, my generation cannot accommodate. These wildfires are not only affecting those who live in the cities that are getting caught on fire. The air is being filled with CO2 and is polluting our air quality. I have missed school because the air is so bad that it is toxic to breathe. I can only imagine how much people with asthma are suffering.

I hope that years from now when you are old enough to understand you will see this as a scary story and nothing more. I hope that my generation has gotten their act together and comes together as a community to help stop these wildfires. I hope that no more families are forced to move because their homes are burned to a crisp. I hope that we as a nation understand that if we continue to be reactive instead of proactive our children will be the ones who suffer. I hope that your generation doesn’t look back at us and blame us for letting this beautiful world burn. I hope that you get to spend your days outside in the park on a beautiful day instead of being quarantined inside our home. I hope that we act now before it is too late.


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