To my children,
I very much doubt that unless we manage to stop burning fossil fuel within the next 5 years you will still be alive in 2050. I am so glad that you are both now over 21, in your own relationships and pursuing your dreams. I am working with on shutting down the coal and unconventional gas industries in our country because I cannot think of a more direct way to protect you, the food, water and biodiversity we all love and rely on.
We brought you up working with horses and living in a tough natural environment. You are strong, balanced and resourceful and that may give you more of a chance than some others to survive as our civilization and climate fall apart, but it won’t help if our industrial civilization goes too far. Our climate is at tipping point and whether our species completes the process of mass murder/suicide we have set in motion is anyone’s guess.
Good luck. I love you. But then, I love all of you out there, whatever your age, nationality, race, culture, gender, sexuality or species. I suppose I just love life. Swamping that love for life is a deep sense of guilt and anger for having been part of the industrial culture which seems to be taking all complex life on Earth with us into the Anthropogenic Armageddon. Expect a future of unbearable temperatures, rising sterile oceans, ferocious fires, unprecedented floods, protracted droughts and melting icecaps and glaciers which are already taking us out of all our expectations and comfort zones.
Expect that future and forgive me as well as yourselves. I don’t believe that all life on Earth will be extinguished, but the life we have known is already gone. Maybe the survivors of this planetary meltdown we are creating will be the insects and reptiles, but I’m at least rooting for the rats. I know you agree with me that we have no right to take out all complex life on Earth and I can see the warrior in you both. Do your best and be happy with that. You have given your parents so much unexpected joy and I can see that you are also given it to others. I have no regrets and will love you till my last breath.
Love, Nette