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To humanity in the 22nd century,

How are you? Are humans still torturing the earth? Are they still capitalizing on everything for the sake of money and not considering how the future generations are going to live in this catastrophe? Are they still oblivious that not only big corporates and governments, but their own everyday actions will affect the future of humanity dramatically? Are they still considering -or in the process of- moving to Mars instead of taking care of their own home, their own planet they were born in? I have a lot of questions; however, at the same time a lot of hope that humanity is stepping in the right direction, by not only advocating about conserving our planet to reduce the emission of carbon dioxide from big corporates, but also by changing their small habits for the better. Habits that I myself have been trying to incorporate into my life, including cutting back my waste by repairing and reusing clothes and avoiding throwing away food, using energy wisely, and using less plastic to lower my carbon footprint. Even if no one will answer my questions, I would like to think that humanity will become aware of the problems we are causing and quickly step up and take action.


Your 21st century human.

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More Messages to the Future


To my precious children

I want clean air, clean energy and muddy feet for you. I want this for all children.


My Dear Grandchildren,

In writing this letter to you, I am searching for ways to make my connection and commitment to you more present in my current experience


Dear Yasmine,

I tried to teach you of the importance of being satisfied with what you had within your hands.


Dear friends,

We need to rethink our consumption habits in order to reduce the impacts on the environment.


Dear Alanna and Valeria,

I promise you to keep trying, to keep educating, to keep pushing our elected officials to act and protect your health now and in the future.


Querida Emanoely,

Gostaria que você se lembrasse das lições simples que mamãe e papai te ensinou, como cuidar das plantas e dos espaços coletivos.


To my great-great grandchildren,

I don’t know your name
or even if you’re alive,
but I’m doing all I can
to make sure you survive.

I’m your great- great grandmother
who lived a century ago
in a world far different
from the one you must know.


To my future Niece,

While I will work my hardest to create any positive change I can, you must continue this quest. You cannot give up hope, and you must always remember that the beauty on this Earth is worth saving.


Dear Tomorrow-My letter to the future 2030

I am most sorry we could not work through our differences, and see through the greed, get organized, and do more so that you could have a better life in your 2030 future.


Dear Tomorrow,

I promise to contact my local officials on passing measures against climate change


Dear Future,

I asked you, the future , to help us as well, to preserve our only planet that can give us life, that can let us watch anime, go to the beach, smell flowers, run through the meadow, listen to our songs, be in a concert, and let us live.


Dear Eleanor,

It seems silly to saddle yourself with guilt for something that hasn’t happened yet. I don’t want to do that. As of today, I don’t really feel guilty. I guess I just want to make sure I keep doing more, so that when you read this, and ask what I’ve done since then, I can still feel good about my efforts.

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