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To Future Students,

I can’t even imagine how much the world will change in 13-33 years.  I’m sure looking back it will seem ridiculous that so many people did not believe in climate change, let alone a president. It seems like we were only able to convince people there was a problem when it was already far too late. For that, many generations will have to suffer the consequences.

You may be thinking that your major isn’t related to climate change and you can’t have much of an impact, but that is the exact sort of thinking that got the world into this situation in the first place. Go vote for those who have the best interest of the planet in mind, go work for companies that respect what boundaries the planet has left, and never stop thinking about your opportunities to make a difference. I hope these words are wasted and that everyone has incorporated sustainability and countering global warming into their lives.

I apologize for the world we have to live in and work to better, and I may just be a Computer Science major, but I will vote for those who will actually make the world better, I will put responsibility before money in the companies I work for, and I know that you will join me after some years and help all of us take positive action on climate change.

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