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To Future Rel Klein,

Dear Tomorrow,

I believe by the year 2121, the world will look very different. I think the world into the 2020s and 2030s will be so focused on technology and having expensive resources, that we will soon run out of resources at the same time the climate hurts us all. I believe that places like Florida will go under water and other places will be unlivable due to earthquakes and other natural disasters by 2121. I believe we will run out of water and run out of food and soon more and more people will be infertile due to contact with toxins and chemicals. The world will be dying but there will be a savior.

Unlike most rich people who use their money to make more money, there will be a savior that will use their money for good. They will use their money towards helping the environment and the way of living on what is left of the world. They will change how people live and make money and the social climate. People will follow this person and there could even be a new religion created out of this person. People will follow in this person’s footsteps and more people will want to do good, and therefore the Earth and its people will be at a point in which they are happy and can sustain life, but there will not necessarily be more progress. Soon the world will learn that the only way that there can be good in life, is if they take away progress. If things change on their own then so be it, but it’s the searching out to have the most progress, and trying to be the highest power, which kills the future.

Without this savior, the world will crumble and soon there will be no food left and no babies born. The world needs a savior, because it all starts with one person that is powerful and has the resources to actually make change, that unfortunately I do not have. There needs to be an economy somewhere between capitalism and communism, and needs to be a society where equality is the norm. We need to take values from the Crakers, without turning into the Crakers, and still be human. We need to learn that the way we are living right now is not right, and there needs to be a change because the path we are on is only doom. We need to accept that it’s going to take a lot or there won’t be a future.

Thank you,

Rel Klein

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Dear future family and friends,

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Dear Tomorrow,

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To my darling ones,

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