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This is for you guys,

We’ve made it another year; no apocalyptic movie predicting the end of the world has been accurate thus far, so that’s something to be happy about. What these crazy unseen futures tell us is that nothing is set in stone about the world; there is no magic day where the heavens come crashing down onto us and sweep Earth in bountiful natural disasters. There will be no day when the Earth goes up into flames in one second. It will be a buildup, a progression of neglect and abuse that will end the world. This will also not happen within one generation, thankfully, but could happen within several generations. We underestimate Earth; we think she’s some weak, fragile being that once there’s magnificent change she is unable to bounce back. When in history has Earth not been able to regenerate? Exactly- nowhere. She has taken almost 6 great extinctions, 5 ice ages, and endless instances of species revolutionizing in her. There is no set variable that determines how much is too much for Earth, because she will always find a way. I trust in God he lets my witness this.

I am really worried about are the animals. See, no population really cares about the animals enough. Yeah, we set up zoos and breeding programs and preach to everyone how these animals will be off the face of the Earth, but no giant steps were taken in their favor. Nothing positive we did could compare to the way we hunt all of them to near extinction every day. Or how the entire planet is one big slaughterhouse where unspeakable acts of torture are inflicted on helpless, very alive animals. There is just too much suffering. I feel completely hopeless for the future of animals most days, and secretly hope all of them would go extinct just so they would not suffer anymore. However, the future does tend to surprise, and I know the ridiculous game of hunting and useless slaughter of animals for toxic food will be compared to owning slaves: complete idiocracy. You guys won’t believe we did it! What I believe will happen is that the mere thought of you guys not being able to see a cuddly, giant panda will motivate the entire world to save the bulk of them, as this is all for you guys.

I’m optimistic because the Earth is so boundless that no matter how far we dig ourselves, we find something to pull us up. Humans! We really are magnificent. You’re probably frustrated at the stupid things we had committed during earlier times, but I know things changed. It’s because we educated ourselves, and then you guys. I remember talk of how no one wanted kids, how kids left too much of a carbon footprint that that sacrifice was no longer acceptable given the grave conditions. But we realized individuals are not at fault. Babies are not at fault; for they are the reassurance mankind is still thriving. Nothing will get better by people just refusing to have kids; it is how we live day by day within a family that changes things. It is the mindset, not the quality. If every child helped the Earth in some way, surely that would be better than less people who do nothing. All of these steps we take are for you guys, even if we want to admit it or not. Yeah, humans can be pretty brutal. But a world without them? That would be going down in defeat. And we are not quitters. We built metal of out of the ground, erected great, giants skyscrapers, and cultivated cultures that inspired millions of books. Surely, we can find a way out of this. I’d like to end with a secret: we already have the technology; we just don’t have the will. Surely, that will come in your time because everything we do, every model we shape, and every thought we form is for the betterment of you guys.

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More Messages to the Future


Dear Tomorrow,

I promise to ask five of my friends to plant trees.


Dear Isaiah,

I am grateful for your soul, for your creativity, for your empathy. All these are precious treasures that you have to offer the world. They will help. I thank you for being in this world right now, so that you can offer these gifts at a time of transition.


I pledge to stop using plastic bags.


Dear Brothers & Sisters All Across Mother Earth,

I promise to wholeheartedly live my life with an awareness of my personal impact on our communities and our planet.


Dear Abigail and Olivia,

What stories will you tell them about our generation? Will we be heroes or villains?


Dear Tom and Leena,

I want you to only see the beauty in this world; there is so much of it and I will protect this beauty for as long as I am here on this Earth.


Dear Sadie,

You are young and have a rich future ahead of you. I am retired and aiming for a high quality of cultural life and comfort with whatever time remains to me. I do not want to see a world whose elders sacrifice your future for their short-term needs and personal gain. So it’s up to you and me to speak out.


Dear Tomorrow,

I promise to work with my family and neighbors to reduce carbon output.


Olá minha querida filha Julia,

Muita Coragem e força para você enfrentar todos os desafios que virão, pois são com eles que crescemos.


Querida Emanoely,

Gostaria que você se lembrasse das lições simples que mamãe e papai te ensinou, como cuidar das plantas e dos espaços coletivos.


My grandchildren,

I promise to do my very best to educate your parents as best I can.


Dear Malasher and Alex,

My goal was to help you grow into better citizens of our planet; to help you care about our natural world and to make everyday choices that reflect concern for our beautiful earth and our own health as well as encourage you to work together to make changes in our community.

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