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Querida Rena,

Este mundo es maravilloso y está lleno de gente maravillosa que será tan fuerte como nosotras para detener el cambio climático y ayudar a millones de desplazados por el cambio climático, por favor nunca te rindas.

El camino no es fácil, te dará mucho miedo y tendremos miles de obstáculos pero contamos contigo y con todas las personas que están aquí para cambiar el mundo. No estás sola y nunca lo estarás.

Hay mucho que hacer, no tengas miedo, ten fe en la gente y ten fe en ti misma es lo mas grande que tienes y es lo que te hará mas fuerte.

No te dejes engañar, el cambio climático es un hecho y nosotros haremos historia!

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More Messages to the Future


To our sweet grandson Caleb,

We want a safe and beautiful world for you, little Caleb, and for your children and grandchildren. We promise to do our part.


My Mini & Lou,

Since I first sat down with these words, a pandemic has erupted. Racial violence is reaching a fever pitch and protests are raging across the nation. It feels like the planet is succumbing to entropy, slipping further into chaos. But I write to you from a time of shifting tides.


Dear Gabriel,

One day ten or twenty years from now, when you look back from the future, you will be able to clearly see the entire path.


Queridos amigos sobrevivientes.

Quiero pensar que ustedes serán la diferencia, que tomaran más actos sobre el asunto y no dejaran que nada los detenga.


Dear Tomorrow



To my children,

I hope that the fervor that is building continues to build and spread and that the world has made progress to minimize the effects of our past actions.


Dear Tomorrow,

My climate promise is to reduce electricity at home. I will turn off the TV and lights when I’m not in the room.


Dear Eleanor,

It seems silly to saddle yourself with guilt for something that hasn’t happened yet. I don’t want to do that. As of today, I don’t really feel guilty. I guess I just want to make sure I keep doing more, so that when you read this, and ask what I’ve done since then, I can still feel good about my efforts.


To my precious grandchildren, Emma, Maya, Maddie and Will,

With love and a great hope for the future, a future that will be healthy and sustainable for you, my precious grandchildren.


Rachel and Noelle,

I hope in a small way this helps your world.


Dear Future,

“I knew you would want to know how the future turned out. You got so anxious about climate change as we grew older.  By coming back, I thought I could help you with that.”


Dear Maret,

Right now I want to be hopeful. Right now I want to think that we took action to ensure this beautiful future for you.

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