Dear Ryman- and all your peers,
I promise to continue to educate and strive to empower today’s students to demand action and work to reduce climate change causes. Love, Jennifer (Mimzy)
by Jennifer Alldredge
Dear Future Kids Like Me,
So when your parents want to go camping, go. Phones can break, memories can’t.
by Anonymous
To the people of the future,
I wish for a place where we can live, sustain life and have all the things we ever wanted to enjoy with loved ones. I hope God grants my wish!
by Anonymous
Dear Rowan and Anaka,
If we could talk, I would not be able to bear your gaze as you ask: How could you, the people in a position to change the course of climate change, fail to act?
by Christine Flanagan
Dear Tomorrow
I promise to reduce my waste production
by Florida Gulf Coast University
Dear niece,
The couple of years we are living now are really important and can set up different scenario for the incoming future of humanity, leading us to an end or to a new start.
by Nicolas Aubin
Dear people on this planet,
Let’s protect this beautiful earth.
by Anonymous
Dear Tomorrow,
We are all responsible for this change, I just hope we all can realize it in time.
by Trey R.
Dear future me,
Since the industrial revolution we have been admitting high levels of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.
by Katherine Barron
Dear Tomorrow,
I promise to stop eating beef.
by Anonymous
Dear Me and My Friend in 2025,
I write this letter very much hope each of us – members of the Earth will have new actions and strategies to make every human being more aware of protecting the environment for a better world.
by Sinh Nguyen
Dear future self,
I think it is my calling to work in a field that promotes environmental protection or policy and sustainability. While this is something to work for in the future, I need to start working right now to create a healthier and safer world, for all people, regardless of race, gender, or socio-economic status, and for all species that reside on Earth.
by Anonymous
Dear future American,
I hope that society overall is happier and healthier than in 2020.
by Jason Kim
Dear People of the Future,
By the year 2030 or 2050, it is my hope that we have fully embraced renewable energy sources for power and electricity
by Anonymous
Dear future self,
To help the environment you’re living in, I pledge to plant more plants, and donate to organizations who can plant them for me, like TeamTrees.
by Anonymous
Dear my future self,
I hope the United States has moved into a less consumeristic society and we’re being more eco-conscious of our spending and of our electricity.
by Anonymous
Hey my next generation!!
Water is the most important natural source of life.
by Gilberto Goulart
Dear Future Family,
We have the power right now to take action.
by Anonymous
Dear Future Self,
I hope you got your dream job of using your business degree to reduce co2 emissions and promote sustainable energy.
by Sharleen Esico
Hola Niki!!
Yo prometo hacer todo lo que pueda ahora que en la futuro no es muy malo.
by Anonymous
Dear Future,
I promise my self to reuse plastic and help to save the earth.
by Anonymous
To anyone who may read this,
I hope that the government has improved regulations on carbon emissions and began taking steps to move away from fossil fuels.
by Anonymous
Dear Abigail and Olivia,
What stories will you tell them about our generation? Will we be heroes or villains?
by Nathaniel Stinnett
Dear Students,
I promise to make my home (and future homes) more energy efficient and greener! – Jenny
by Jennifer Salazar
Dear Future Generations,
We must come together productively to help our glorious earth and its magnificent oceans and forests, because before we know it they all may disappear in front of us.
by Anonymous
Minha querida Valentina,
Nesse fantástico mundo para evoluirmos juntos em busca de uma coexistência, que só nos trará beneficio e perpetuara nossa espécie nesse lindo e brilhante ponto azul que chamamos de lar. Te amo hoje e sempre.
by Luciane Pimentel
Dear You Tomorrow,
What we failed to do, at least early on, was to see how important it was to put those solutions together. To combine into a way forward.
by Kyle Gracey
Dear future World,
I will promise to be more aware of my impact with my carbon footprint and talk about this issue more.
by Angili Lally
Dear future generation,
I dream that you can see the weathers how they are actually suppose to be not during climate change.
by Anonymous
Dear Future Kids of America,
The world is in your hands.
by Anonymous
I will always stay green by not making more promises (enough said) but do it and stay calm.
by Avinash Bhambhari
Dear Elizabeth and Christopher,
I am worried about the direction our world is moving. Industry is polluting our planet. Green house gases are building up and our climate is changing. The polar icecaps and sea ice are melting. We need to make a change in the way we live before it’s too late. I promise to spread the word […]
by Jo-Ann Dawson
To my future kid,
I hope the world looks more beautiful than it does today.
by Felipe Rodriguez Garcia
I promise to take care of the earth.
by Chavez
Dear Great Grandchildren,
If you are reading this, you probably inherited my fascination with ancestry, and the way it uncovers incredible stories of unlikely survival.
by Brian Fitzgerald