Dear Mitch JR,
I think we need to restructure how we are growing food, move towards renewables and start more extensive conservation work.
by Anonymous
Dear Mitch JR,
I think we need to restructure how we are growing food, move towards renewables and start more extensive conservation work.
by Anonymous
Dear future child,
The world isn’t some thing you live on, it is something you live with. You treat it with care, you love it. Because it is beautiful.
by Anonymous
Dear Tomorrow,
This year we will work hard to reduce our carbon footprint by using less energy, buying less, re-using and lobbying for carbon fee and dividend.
by Hilary Schenker
To my dear future generation,
I am very sorry for all of the people who throws all their rubbish on the street.
by Anonymous
To my unborn baby,
It is my dream to see countries actively combating climate change and helping one another so that the planet ends up being a sustainable environment for you and your children to live.
by Anonymous
dear me,
become a better person and protect the planet.
by Anonymous
What can I say?
Now I look to you with the youthful energy and idealism to help me get more focused, to help find ways to do things that may actually make a difference.
by Jim Hatch
Dear future generations,
We think that we are talking for everybody when we say ‘’we are sorry’’, we are sorry to leave you such a messy planet, we are sorry if we are too much busy to do something. We are sorry if we have used nature like our credit card without limit, we are sorry to have […]
by Orietta Bononcini
To those I love,
Check in on yourself and the world around you for me. The other day I did the same and found myself anxious but a sweet sense came over me as well. That sweetness was in the possibilities that lay ahead of me in the future you exist in now.
by Anonymous
Dear future baby… maybe
by Veronica Benavides
Dear future generations,
My hope for you is that you can have equal experiences with nature that I was able to have with my dad.
by Marty Keane
Dear kidlets,
I want to teach you to love people equally, to ask hard questions, and to take care of the world in which we live.
by Anonymous
I will ride my bike.
by Anonymous
Dear Kieara, Suzannah and Alan,
My wish is that due to my small efforts combined with the thousands of our generation who stepped up, your planet is much, much better than it would have been had we not acted.
by Steve Simm
I pledge to be a conscious consumer.
by Amanda Lee
Shy, Zoe, and Freddy!
by Danielle Cordovez
Dear Tomorrow,
I will only use reusable coffee cups!
by Anonymous
Dear Bella,
It really is crucial to heed indigenous knowledge regarding rebuilding local food systems. For Indigenous peoples, their knowledge and culture have always required not just to coexist with their environment, but to be firmly rooted in it.
by Anonymous
Dear future Child or Grandchild,
Climate is undeniably changing but it is not top priority.
by Anonymous
Dear Family,
by Eduardo Herrera
Dear Ellie,
My heart is an ocean of love for all the children facing a life of climate catastrophe.
by Lizzie Adams
To my future self…
Over the past year i have learned a lot about Climate change and i have realized how much of an impact i have on our environment.
by Anonymous
Oh My Lovely Faizan,
I love you my son. You are waking up now. Hopefully tomorrow, more of us will, too.
by Joshua King
Dear People Of The Future,
It’s scary, this is the stuff you see in movies about the end of the world.
by Anonymous
Dear Noah,
We are reaching out to anyone and everyone we can, to build a movement to transform the way we power the world.
by Jon Clark
Dear Tomorrow,
Awareness is key. Learning about this issue can seem like a small effort compared to other actions, but it’s the most important.
by Shelby Klingberg
Dear Generations to Follow,
Thoughtfulness is the first step towards change.
by Matthew Yonemura
Dear Future Generations,
My promise to you, the future, is that I will continue to try hardest to reduce not only my own carbon footprint, but inform everyone I speak to about the facts.
by Angie Moran
Dear Parks,
I promise to talk to more people, to take more initiatives, to FOCUS on how serious this problem is instead of believing people with more power will make changes. Because they haven’t and they aren’t. They have other priorities (the wrong ones, in my opinion) and I need to do more. I love you so much and hope that the world you live in at my age is BETTER than the one I live in now.
by Jaimie Deye
Hello brothers and sisters of the future,
I want to tell those who are living in the future the importance of kindness, forgiveness, bravery compassion and selflessness.
by S Sreedeep sagar
Dear Gabriel,
A message from co-founder Jill Kubit:
Writing letters to our kids about climate change is hard. It should be.
by Jill Kubit
Dear Charlee,
We’re finally trying to take the steps necessary to avoid a climate emergency.
by Anonymous
In 2020, you will be seven years old, in school and likely learning about climate change. Perhaps this will be the first time you will ask me what I did about it. I hope I can make you proud.
by Anonymous
Dear Tomorrow,
Sometimes I feel so strongly about the necessity to combat climate change that I can feel my heart aching.
by Anonymous
I pledge to make an effort to bring better recycling practices to my area. – Amber I pledge to pick up glass, paper, cardboard or anything that isn’t helpful to the earth around local areas like the park, woods, city or just in my town in general. Taryn
by Amber Smida
Dear Tomorrow,
I promise to protect children from air pollution!
by Patrice Tomcik