Dear Future Family Generations,
Always help the people who don’t have as much as you do, as my mom says.
by Anonymous
Dear Future Family Generations,
Always help the people who don’t have as much as you do, as my mom says.
by Anonymous
Dear tomorrow,
Has anything changed for the good?
by Anonymous
Dear next generation,
I promise to help others see that we must make a change in our daily lives in order to ensure that our future generations are able to enjoy the outdoors the same way we have.
by Anonymous
Dear Generations to Follow,
Thoughtfulness is the first step towards change.
by Matthew Yonemura
Dear sir / madam,
We could be activists.
by Anonymous
Dear offspring,
I promise you I have and will live a very sustainable life.
by Anonymous
Dear future me,
I hope that people are more aware of global climate change.
by Anonymous
Dear cousins: Boran, Emma, Sophia, Almeen, and Noa
My generation has been handed a massive problem and we cannot hand it off to you guys because we are already feeling the affects.
by August Tolzman
Dear fellow citizens of the world,
Let’s choose to be good caretakers of this generous planet.
by Anonymous
Dear me,
Planeo proteger el planeta por informar a la gente sobre los problemas de nuestro planeta.
by Anonymous
Dear Elizabeth and Christopher,
I am worried about the direction our world is moving. Industry is polluting our planet. Green house gases are building up and our climate is changing. The polar icecaps and sea ice are melting. We need to make a change in the way we live before it’s too late. I promise to spread the word […]
by Jo-Ann Dawson
Dear future generations,
I hope that there are enough people that care and are willing to their part to preserve Earth.
by Anonymous
To whomever read this,
I hope you have found a way to live with the earth for the benefit of all.
by Anonymous
Dear future generations,
If you are reading this now, it is imperative that we educate ourselves and our local community on the reality of global warming and work towards reducing our contribution to carbon, then can we begin to make a significant impact at reducing the rate of climate change.
by Anonymous
To my Dad,
I hope on this Father’s Day, my 24th birthday, and the rest of days, we remember that the most basic part of life is living happy with the ones we love. Acting every day against climate change will allow us to keep that simple piece of humanity.
by Korinna Knapp
dear world,
I hope that in 30 years we only use renewable energy sources.
by Anonymous
Para la futura Francis del futuro, y a su querida familia/descendencia:
Aún hay mucho trabajo por hacer y espero que ustedes sean el fruto de todo eso.
by Francis Sanhueza
Dear Tomorrow,
While all of these actions I can take will help make my visualization a reality, I also know I cannot do it alone.
by Anonymous
Dear Tomorrow
Stay Cool and Save the Whales
by Florida Gulf Coast University
Dear my child,
Lower the air pollution.
by Anonymous
To the people of the future,
I wish for a place where we can live, sustain life and have all the things we ever wanted to enjoy with loved ones. I hope God grants my wish!
by Anonymous
Dear Future,
It is about all of us… man, women, and child since no matter our race, ethnicity, or nationality we all inhabit this beautiful blue planet and it is our duty to protect it.
by Anonymous
Dear Tomorrow,
Love, help and build a future in unison that benefits and protects the whole world.
by Lucia Fouss
Dear Future,
I hope my grandchildren are living in a better and healthier Earth.
by Anonymous
Dear Future World,
If we don’t change the way we live, the world will soon face a greater threat than we can imagine.
by Jimy Ry
Dear future self,
Covid 19 is a big pandemic and it’s shut down a lot of places. And we have to wear a mask everywhere we go but that shouldn’t stop us from reducing climate change.
by Anonymous
Meus filhos,
Espero que vcs tb encontrem ,de alguma forma,um caminho para colaborarem com Nossa Mãe Terra, bjs eternos.
by Denize Silva
Dear Girls,
I will plant more trees and plant flowers and help our community.
by Alasia Green
Make the most of every day because remember yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift.
by Luke Israel
to future self,
I promise to reduce my carbon footprint in doing everything i can to help future generations.
by Anonymous
Dear Jude,
More events shift our understanding of the society around us and reveal to us what is possible and what is not.
by Anonymous
Dear Malice,
I know how important it is to take care of the world we live in.
by Anonymous
Dear Lyda,
I promise to drive less.
by Anne Goodwin
Pour ma famille,
Il faut trouver le 7ème sens et se battre pour des causes justes, comme l´amour et la liberté.
by Anonymous
Dear Tomorrow,
I will work to restore the wetlands.
by Anonymous
To My Future Children,
Hope is more powerful than fear.
by Niamh Cottrell