Dear future child,
I hope to get others to follow in that footstep so that you and your generation can live a better and healthier life.
by Anonymous
Dear future child,
I hope to get others to follow in that footstep so that you and your generation can live a better and healthier life.
by Anonymous
To my child,
For the pale blue dot we live on, a precious beauty, I try to help.
by Barra Convery
Crianças (Hoje não mais)
Quero mudar meus consumos, direcionar os que têm maior força para fazer diferente, votar em políticas com projetos que visem a mudanças climáticas.
by Ricardo Falkowski
Es necesario que la gente reciclemos y reutilicemos para reducir la contaminación de aire, el suelo, y el mar.
by Anonymous
Dear Little Loves,
Protecting our planet is so similar to parenting; it requires interest, dedication, thoughtfulness, knowledge, attention, and love.
by Missy Cotter Smasal
To my future children,
I hope that your generation doesn’t look back at us and blame us for letting this beautiful world burn.
by Anonymous
To my nephew Christian,
I want to live on knowing that I did my part, I helped and that I abolished my ignorance.
by Anonymous
I will always stay green by not making more promises (enough said) but do it and stay calm.
by Avinash Bhambhari
Dear future generations,
Always remember that tomorrow is a new today and you can make whatever you want of it.
by Anonymous
Dear offspring,
I promise you I have and will live a very sustainable life.
by Anonymous
Dear myself in the future!
I wish it would stop and, hope people will actually try and make a difference.
by Anonymous
Dear Erin, Adam, and Gabriel
by Joseph Kubit
Minhas lindas,
As causas das mudanças no clima são tão profundas e envolvem tanta gente e tantos lugares.
by Ceciliana Viana
Dear my future self,
I hope the United States has moved into a less consumeristic society and we’re being more eco-conscious of our spending and of our electricity.
by Anonymous
Chers Enfants,
Chers Enfants,
by Mame Bousso Faye
dear future self,
The earth is what we all have in common, and we need to protect it. Older generations have left it torn, but now it is up to us to mend it again.
by Anonymous
To my dear children in the year 2050,
I don’t wish to go backwards, but I do wish we would slow down and design our brave new world with more care.
by Cameron Brick
Dear mini Xiao,
There’s a real dilemma between supporting a country’s growth while keeping their environment clean.
by Xiao Chen
Dear Son,
All these disasters are coming back to back.
by Anonymous
To My Future Children,
I hope that by the time your reading this message that solar roofs and electric vehicles have become the norm, and somebody has found a sustainable alternative to jet fuel in airplanes.
by Anonymous
To My Future Child,
As our oceans are warming and the icebergs are melting, I think of you.
by Anonymous
Dear World,
The environment is important – take care of your actions to not destroy it starting from now.
by Hein Oo
Dear Bright Eyes…..
I recognized that CHANGE was happening.
by Onysia OgMari
Dear Society,
The catastrophic wildfires that have affected California in 2018 are just the start of what our planet will witness.
by Anonymous
Dear future generations,
I want you to be able to see snow in Lake Tahoe, play on the beautiful shores of Santa Cruz beaches, and be able to breathe outside without a mask on due to mass amounts of pollution.
by Vivian Nguyen
Dear future Child…
As I do not want this for you, I promise to reanalyze and fix my carbon footprint, to mitigate my negative impacts on the environment and to treat the earth like the home it is.
by Anonymous
Querido la gente,
Deternerse el destruicion de nosotros tierra y ayudame reparar.
by Anonymous
Dear Tomorrow,
I’ll buy only food that I plan to eat before it spoils.
by Anonymous
Dear Me,
Hopefully you’re happy and have a good job and a lovely family. I hope you’re still aware of climate change and are helping it to have less of a negative effect on the planet. I promise to protect the environment no matter what.
by Anonymous
My children,
The weather is as unsettled as I am.
by Rachel Kantor
2016 is almost at an end.
I really hope the answers are optimistic.
by Anonymous
Dear future family and friends,
I promise to speak up & engage in the needed conversations in our community & with our legislators to change our culture & save our planet.
by Courtney Tripp
Dear Future People,
I hope that you have saved those animals species that were endangered and no longer have any species endangered because you have figured out ways to help them and yourselves.
by Anonymous
Dear Earth,
I hope we learned balance, how to coexist with the nature around us.
by Merete Cowles
To whomever read this,
I hope you have found a way to live with the earth for the benefit of all.
by Anonymous
Dear future,
Everybody talks about it, but most politicians and big companies ignore these issues because they want to make more profit.
by Anonymous