
Dear my future children,

Spending all my time outside playing barefoot on the grass and ocean sand, it was the feeling of being free and invincible in the world.

by Anonymous


Dear Tomorrow,

I promise I’ll replace our lights with LED lights.

by Anonymous

Dear me,

I am going to try and limit my waste and be more conscious of what and where I am shopping.

by Stella f


Dear Tomorrow,

I promise I will use less fossil fuels.

by Anonymous


Dear Jill

by Ella Udell

dear me,

I promise that I will do my best in the present. I love the Earth, and I’m trying not to make the environment worst. 

by Anonymous


To older Rochelle,

You should’ve reduced your carbon footprint, should be using some source of renewable energy and be a vegetarian by now.

by Rochelle Francois


Dear June and Colin,

I’m sad and angry that collectively more has not been done to this date. And that still with such dire warnings, obvious impacts, those in power are acting far too slowly.

by Ellen Robson


Dear Jackson,

by Becky Whitley

Dear someone in the future,

We’re feeling the effects of Global Warming here now

by Anonymous

Dear Myself,

I hope that it would be a healthier Earth, and knowing the habits and things we all do, I don’t expect everyone to completely change their life. Maybe they could just get better, though.

by Anonymous


Dear Luke and Rosie,

I promise to make our future home more energy efficient by adding insulation and LEDs. I also promise to make more meatless meals. Love, Laura/Mommy and Adam/Daddy

by Laura Fleischner

To my future self,

But the problem is that nothing will change until something absolutely terrible happens.

by Anonymous


Dear 598 Wenzell,

I will continue to nurture native plants in the yard.

by Angela Pasquale


Dear future family,

I promise to never give up.

by Laur Fisher


Aos meus sobrinhos queridos, Ana Laura, Luis Carlos e Helloísa,

Talvez eu não esteja viva para ver alguma mudança, mas espero que vocês vejam e tenham um mundo melhor em 2050. Plantei um ipê rosa e outro amarelo, que eles estejam florindo até 2050.

by Juliana Signori

Dear Future Self,

Make sure no matter where you live or how much money you make, prioritize making sure you live an earth-conscious life.

by Anonymous

Dear Tomorrow,

Living in denial cost us our beautiful oceans, snowy mountains, delicious foods and homes.

by Anonymous


Shy, Zoe, and Freddy!

by Danielle Cordovez


To My Grandchildren,

It’s my hope that the following will be helpful as you navigate your futures.  These are the confessions of a climate activist:

by Anonymous


Dear Spike, Loulou and Yoshua,

I’m going to start a campaign to try to convince everybody in the Netherlands to not eat meat one day a week.

by Yolande Koot

Dear Future Amelia,

I hope you have become someone you’re proud of.

by Amelia Berlandi

Dear Future Generations,

Keep going to the climate change rallies, take your time to sort out rubbish, and don’t buy something new all the time. Make your voice heard just like we have in our generation.

by Anonymous


Loved One,

That we all have a role to play no matter how small, we all can make a difference.

by Anonymous

Dear Parents,

I want to try to help too.

by Anonymous

Dear future cayla,

To help reduce climate change, we must reduce or prevent the emissions linked to human activities. I have never been one involved in helping to reduce climate change, but our world needs it more then ever right now.

by cayla mortman


Dear My Future Child,

I want to sculpt a world for you where you can play outside without gas masks, an ocean to swim in without toxins, and a thick lively forest for you to wander.

by Kelly Russell

Dear future children,

Be kind to others, yourself, the environment.

by Anonymous

Dear my future self,

These small activities may be easily forgotten, but I hope my future self can sustain this habit, and I hope that owing to many people’s efforts, climate change will soon alter and improve.

by Anonymous

Dear Future Generations,

I hope that climate change is an issue of the past and that you won’t ever have to be exposed to poor air quality.

by Jackelen Renteria-Bustos

Meu afilhado amado,

Você chegou de repente trazendo tanto significado pra minha vida…me mostrando que meu coração podia bater fora do meu peito.

by Vania Mattoso


I pledge not to use straws + to use LESS PLASTIC. Reuse! Recycle!

by Nan Krushinski

Dear Sophie,

In 2017, you were just a one-year-old with two little teeth and the biggest brown eyes I have ever seen. But, the world was dealing with turmoil while you were just beginning to blossom.

by Anonymous


My darling girls,

I can be brave enough to wake up.

by Alysha Goheen

Dear all humans, as I care about you all,

Ask yourself, “What could be the best use of your life and ability?”

by Ruairí Moore


Dear Earth,

I promise to walk, take public transportation and bike every chance I get.

by Anonymous

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