Dear A and S-
I will invest in technology that will reduce our automobile and home emissions.
by Anonymous
Dear A and S-
I will invest in technology that will reduce our automobile and home emissions.
by Anonymous
Dear future self,
I hope that you are living in a world that is better than what it is now.
by Anonymous
Letter to Future Generations,
I at least hope we have tried to improve by switching from fossil fuels and gas cars.
by Anonymous
Dear Ellie,
by Bob Perkowitz
Dear Nieces and Nephews,
I tried.
by Anonymous
Dear World,
I sincerely hope that we have changed our way of lives to help reduce the amount of damage we have done to our planet.
by Anonymous
Dear Earth,
I will recycle when I can.
by Anonymous
Dear Friends,
In a world of more than seven billion people, each of us is a drop in the bucket. But with enough drops, we can fill any bucket.
by Anonymous
Dear Children,
Your generation will have to be heroes for our climate.
by Anonymous
Dear Tomorrow,
I promise I will take short showers, eat less meat, and buy local more often.
by Anonymous
Dear Tomorrow,
I promise to stay informed so that I can properly share with others the importance and validity of climate change!
by Anonymous
Dear me in the future,
I will eat locally.
by Anonymous
Dear Earth,
We, young ethical explorers, thank you for being our home. In gratitude, we promise to plant trees, save food and water, keep the air and ocean waters clean, not litter and waste paper. We love earth. Young Ethical Explorers @New York Society for Ethical Culture
by Deepali Srivastava
Dear Tomorrow,
I promise to change the culture of my school.
by Anonymous
Dear Kyle,
Tell your children that I only ask one thing of them. I ask that they are able to go outside and find the beauty wherever they can. Tell them this planet is a gift, and within it is a beauty incomparable to anything else.
by Kyle Wonders
To whom this may concern,
I see that massive amount of people speaking up about the crisis we are facing.
by Anonymous
Dear Future,
I stopped arguing and started doing everything that was in my power to do.
by Anonymous
Dear future me,
I think that by the time this letter gets to you, there will be tons of plans to fix climate change, because otherwise your world will have a lot of problems.
by Maddox Keeter
Dear Tomorrow,
I promise to turn old shirts into produce bags.
by Anonymous
Dear Brother,
I will do all I can to help you and your generation live a better life. I don’t know exactly what that is yet, but I know I’ll find it. I love you.
by Jaret Kadlec
To My Niece,
I am optimistic that the environment in which you grow up with will be something joyous and full of solar panels!
by Anonymous
Dear daughter,
Our climate is not being treated fairly and I was too blinded by the materialistic things in life to notice that.
by Anonymous
Dear Future Generations,
I hope that your generation isn’t as selfish as mine.
by Anonymous
I’ll use plastic the least I can’t. I’ll prepare my own bag.
by Shang-Yuan Lan
dear lily,
i trust in your generation so solve things.
by Anonymous
To the People in my Future Life,
Anytime I’m at the crossroads of life, I pray that I, or anyone else in the same position, will keep you in mind, and try to shape a world that’s the best possible for you.
by James Cole
Dear Yo,
Espero ayudar al medio ambiente reduciendo el uso de plástico.
by Anonymous
Dear Pili,
Prometo hacer todo lo posible por disminuir al máximo mi huella de CO2, y concientizar a nuestra suciedad. Tu padrino, Seba Buccello
by Sebastian Horacio Buccello
We will recycle
by Anonymous
Dear future people,
As of 2020, we are dealing with a major pandemic of the deadly coronavirus. Because of this, it has taken a major effect on climate change and we fear what will happen for the future.
by Anonymous
Dear Grandkids, (everyone’s grandkids),
Our house is already net zero, but by mid-2021 I promise I will be 100% net zero house and car combined.
by Dave Blair
Hello World Here’s Your Ripple,
I hope that one day these letters will be obsolete and that none of these problems even make any sense to anyone.
by Anonymous
Dear Fynn and Archer,
by Robbie Henderson
Dear Future Generation,
My goal is that every business on the planet will have a social purpose and not a profit purpose.
by Marnix Troudes
Dear everyone,
Right now, I work in my home to recycle, compost, reuse, up cycle and drive less. I can only do so much at this stage. But I have cut flying from my agenda for now at least.
by Linda Cullum
Dear future niece(s)/nephew(es),
If our Earth is indeed being engulfed by rising sea levels and CO2 emissions, all I can say is to not lose your empathy, your kindness, or your hope.
by Emma Mares