Dear future recipient,
Resist the urge to think that you won’t make a difference, that it’s not worth your time, or that you will get to it another time.
by Jake Froese
Dear future recipient,
Resist the urge to think that you won’t make a difference, that it’s not worth your time, or that you will get to it another time.
by Jake Froese
Dear Future,
I hope you, the next generation, do not suffer from the mistakes this and previous generations have made.
by Anonymous
Dear Lily Hennkens,
I love you so much. I want you to experience all the beauty and wonder life has to offer without worrying about whether you will be able to eat or breathe. There has never been a question in my mind, based on science, that humans are effecting climate change. I am contacting my reps constantly […]
by Tiffany Simmons
Dear Tomorrow,
Right now I am scared for the future.
by Julianne Boughton
Dear Earth,
I promise to be a better human.
by Anonymous
Dear AJ
by Loni Cortez-Russell
Dear daughter,
Our climate is not being treated fairly and I was too blinded by the materialistic things in life to notice that.
by Anonymous
To my unborn baby,
It is my dream to see countries actively combating climate change and helping one another so that the planet ends up being a sustainable environment for you and your children to live.
by Anonymous
To All Who May Be Reading,
I hope that you and I are a part of the future solution and we inspire others to understand conservation, preservation and rehabilitation of the world around us. The road ahead will always be long but together we can make it one step at a time.
by terrence ki
Dear _______,
I hope—I pray—that we’re able to replace these empty human shells with lively, caring, ethical, and determined people.
by Anonymous
Dear James,
More importantly, what are we doing to better our planet and everyone who lives in it?
by Anonymous
Dear future Mia
They deserve to live in a place that is clean and has no problem for every generation that is coming.
by Anonymous
Dear future generations,
It’s our challenge to save as much as we can for the next generations.
by Anonymous
Dear Nina’s Mum,
There WILL be a bright and better tomorrow thanks to people like you!
by Anonymous
Dear My Future Children,
Right now climate change is a pretty scary thought. By the year 2050 there is supposed to be a global food shortage, I hope this is not the case. I think its crucial for my generation to do something about climate change before it becomes a real issue.
by Anonymous
Dear Finley,
I wonder if in 2050 we will be looking at a future where fear from the changes at hand has caused people to hate rather than love and provide hope. Perhaps in that world we will we no longer comprehend the biblical texts in a meaningful way. Will climate change be the end of the epoch of God?
by Grandma Roy
Dear Earth,
I promise to walk, take public transportation and bike every chance I get.
by Anonymous
Dear children,
Despite all the difficulties, we are from a family whose principles are honesty and love for others, and that’s what I want to share with you.
by Daniel Monteiro
I love you Earth.
by Kaleb Findley
To my precious children
I want clean air, clean energy and muddy feet for you. I want this for all children.
by Laura Burns
Dear Next Generations,
It doesn’t matter if you have the eagerness to change. Even if you’re mature to deal with power, human nature turns out to be an issue itself.
by Anonymous
Dear Earth,
I’m Sorry.
by Anonymous
Dear Future,
I hope there is no more fire in CA.
by Anonymous
Dear Adeline 4/22/20,
because of covid 19 there aren’t any protest.
by Anonymous
Dear Future Generations,
I hope everything is better in the future.
by Anonymous
dear tomorrow,
i am sorry. but i had dreams and goals that i was chasing, a selfish act, perhaps i single handedly couldve been the genius that changed the world, but i never took that path.
by Anonymous
Dear Grandchildren,
Because people are staying inside in parts of the world there is less pollution and water looks more clear.
by Anonymous
Dear Future Generations,
Finally, I hope nobody is being judged by the color their skin, sexual orientation or religion but by judged by the content of their character.
by Anonymous
For my children,
If we haven’t done enough and the world you’re living on is apocalyptic or if you’re living on another planet then I’m deeply sorry and just know that I believe in you and I know that you are both strong and smart enough to handle anything.
by Damaris Russell
Dear future self,
I’m still not completely sure what I want to do with my life yet, but if I am able to educate the youth about important things like this, that would be very important
by Anonymous
Dear Future:
I have enjoyed this wonderful, amazing, and colorful planet and hope you can get to enjoy it too.
by Anonymous
2016 is almost at an end.
I really hope the answers are optimistic.
by Anonymous
Dear Tomorrow,
I promise to clean the earth.
by Angela Rees
Dear my son Cobyn and any other children I have after him, and grandchildren thereafter.
I love you all very much and pray with my whole heart you all get to enjoy the world the way I did.
by Allana Milliken
Dear Future Self,
I promise I will try to finish my homework on time. I will also work on saving the planet.
by Anonymous
Dearest Maxine,
In moments of hopefulness, I dream of seeing the world you will rebuild, despite everything the generations which came before you did to destroy the planet.
by Rebecca Burnell