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Kristie Lee
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My sweet children,

I promise you that the world will be restored… World peace will prevail and our Earth is beautiful once again.

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More Messages to the Future


To my sons,

I’m voting with climate change as a top priority. I’ve tried to teach you boys that we need to clean up after ourselves and take care of the earth. I promise to continue doing these actions and more, for your sake.


To my Dad,

I hope on this Father’s Day, my 24th birthday, and the rest of days, we remember that the most basic part of life is living happy with the ones we love. Acting every day against climate change will allow us to keep that simple piece of humanity.


Dear Lillyana,

I will continue to work to make the Earth a cleaner and safer place for you to grow and explore.


Dear Tomorrow,

And, if this summer has taught me anything, I am content (because I have to be) living in this limbo, this seemingly endless waiting for the opportunity to change, when really the opportunity exists within our very selves all along.


Dear Future Kids Like Me,

What I hope for future kids like me is that they continue to ride the groundswell of climate change support all the way into action.


Dear Child,

Hope we get to have that snowball fight I always dreamed we’d have.


Dear Kai and Leah,

I want you to feel awestruck like I do. It is important to feel small sometimes, to feel the weight of reality, to recognize the scale of a challenge, to see where you fit and what you are up against. This is the case with climate change.


Dear future family and friends,

This is our house.


Dear Finn and Cy,

I think a lot about what you might be like when you grow up and about what kind of world you will live in.


Dearest Gray,

When I asked you why the purple Violet called to you, you told me it was “magic”. I hope that you can still find the magic of life. I hope, despite everything, it is still in abundance.


Dear Future,

We need to work to save our beautiful home.


Queridos filhos Heloísa e Henzo,

Tenho muito orgulho da minha função (agente de fiscalização ambiental do Acre) pois é através dela que posso dar um pouco do meu suor, para que no futuro ambos possam ter um lugar melhor para viver.

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