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Jason Gilmore
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My Dear Little Ones,

You deserve a planet that is made of nature and not plastic. I will help you understand the difference that we can all make every day to keep the earth living and green.

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More Messages to the Future


Dear Alanna and Valeria,

I promise you to keep trying, to keep educating, to keep pushing our elected officials to act and protect your health now and in the future.


Dear Tomorrow,

I promise to recycle and compost.


To my beloved granddaughters, Margaret and Caroline,

Growing up in Germany, I often wondered what my parents had done to oppose the Nazi regime in the 1930’s that led to WWII.  I was so disappointed when I found out how passive they had been. For me, this was formative.


Dear Sinchi,

The world is changing and it is happening fast.


For my children,

If we haven’t done enough and the world you’re living on is apocalyptic or if you’re living on another planet then I’m deeply sorry and just know that I believe in you and I know that you are both strong and smart enough to handle anything.


To Annika, Anders, Stella, Eva, and Mickey,

In writing to you, I realize that I don’t want you to be hard on yourself if you choose to not make this your cause. But it is mine, so I hope that you hold me accountable to some of what I wrote here.


Future Message to Earth,

Hope there will be no more droughts,
And no more pollution with which we fought,
Regarding every human should be taught,
Ensuring that we uniformly follow these thoughts.


Olá minha querida filha Julia,

Muita Coragem e força para você enfrentar todos os desafios que virão, pois são com eles que crescemos.


To My Children and My Future Grandchildren,

People are an amazing race and, if we have the will, I believe we have the ingenuity and resources to fix the harm we’ve done.


I promise to take shorter showers.


Dear Future Today,

Here in California we’re starting to recognize our climate changing the natural world around us.


Dear Me,

Today, I promise to keep my spaces clean and my environment cleaner.

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