In writing this letter to you, I am searching for ways to make my connection and commitment to you more present in my current experience

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Mark Davies
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My Dear Grandchildren,

As I write this letter to you, you are many years away from your first breath in this world, but I know that I am connected to you. My actions now and the actions of the other people on this planet with me are shaping the life that is yet to come for you. I am holding you in my heart today with great concern because We/I are not doing enough to make sure that you will live in a world in which your greatest potential for flourishing as a person will be possible. We are creating a world in which the diversity, beauty, and value you will experience will be diminished. We are increasing the possibility that your world will experience much more suffering than joy. We are harming you by not finding ways to live within the abundance that our earth provides.

In writing this letter to you, I am searching for ways to make my connection and commitment to you more present in my current experience. I am searching for ways to contribute to your life so that you may have even more opportunities for joy than I have had in my own. In writing this letter, I am searching for ways to love you across time so that you may experience a life of love and joy and opportunity. If nothing else, I hope this letter will be a tangible reminder of my connection to you and that everything I do in my life will have an effect on you in your life.

I am committing to you today to change the things that I am doing to diminish the life you will experience. I am committing to you today to be even more intentional about living within the abundance that earth provides so that you may also experience its abundance. I am committing to you today to work to change structures and practices that are harming your life. You are not physically here with me yet, but you and I are connected, and I owe you my all to enhance rather than diminish the joy in your life.

I do not know if we will collectively be able to shape the world that you deserve to experience, but I will find ways to do everything I can with others around me to make that world a reality for you. If we are not able to shape the world that you deserve, I pray that you may still be able to find and share love in the world you have and that you may somehow contribute to a better world for your children and grandchildren. We are all connected. For all that I have left undone to enhance your life, I am sorry from the depths of my heart. But today, I commit to you to do all that is possible to love you with all of the actions of the rest of my life.

I love you already. May love and joy always be present to you.

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More Messages to the Future


Dear next generation,

I hope that by the time you’re reading this, things have changed and people have started to protect the earth


Dear future me,

If we don’t stop cutting down trees for agriculture and to build houses then the future generations will not think about trees when they hear the word Earth.


Dear My Future Child,

I want to sculpt a world for you where you can play outside without gas masks, an ocean to swim in without toxins, and a thick lively forest for you to wander.


Dear Future Family,

As I’m sitting here trying to think of the best words to say to you all, I am thinking of one major thing: that I can only hope that you all get to experience the incredible beauty created by our planet.


To my future children,

It’s not enough to just recycle. I will sign petitions and call my local representatives. I will also engage in conversations about climate change – even with people with whom I don’t see eye-to-eye.


Dear Evie of 2050,

I can feel the change happening — many people are working to transform the world.


Hello spawn,

I am small now littles and I may be small forever but in my small ways I will fight for you.


Dear Jack,

Right now you are only a little over 5 weeks old, but you have truly changed my whole world. Your Mom and I always say that we thought we loved before you were born, but now that you have come into the world and we met you, our ability to love just expanded exponentially.


To my future Niece,

While I will work my hardest to create any positive change I can, you must continue this quest. You cannot give up hope, and you must always remember that the beauty on this Earth is worth saving.


Dear kids of America,

Please eliminate plastic everything


To my unborn children, hey it’s mummy Cris here!

I am witnessing climate change in a way that I do not like, and I do not know how can I stop it.


Dear future family and friends,

This is our house.

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