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Letter to Future Generations,

I don’t want to make this super sad and gloomy but I cant help it. This past generation has just completely destroyed the earth. Were sorry for climate change and putting the burden on you guys to make it better. We shouldn’t have caused it in the first place and making you guys have to pay the price for it is just cruel. I at least hope we have tried to improve by switching from fossil fuels and gas cars. I just hope we have provided some good things to this world that aren’t completely negative.

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More Messages to the Future


To My Future Self,

This lead me to my final project, which focused on reforming the education system to incorporate sustainability classes into the current curriculum.


Dear Tanuj,

The time has come to question ourselves as citizens about our own actions and the legacy we are leaving behind.


Dear Tomorrow,

I promise I will encourage everyone to get OUT of their cars and onto public transit.


Dear Future Afnan,

You should make a time machine and come back to past and solve all the problems.


To my precious children

I want clean air, clean energy and muddy feet for you. I want this for all children.


Dear Josh, LeeAnn, & Jessica,

I am very proud to know that You will treat Our Earth, Our Natural Gift, Our Playful Backyard with the same Awesome Respect that We give to each other, as a Family – Knowing that Our Earth, is Your Child Now.


To my dearest Gabriel,

What gives me hope is what is yet to come, what you will experience in your lifetime.


Dear Future Self,

I am scared of the things happening right now with our planet.


To my Maria and her children,

I have to tell you something: it is so hard to keep our life “green” for now, but we still keep trying.


Dear Generations to Be,

If we could all slow down, look around and connect: with each other, the Earth, the sky, the plants and rocks and animals, then maybe we can all remember to treat everyone and everything with respect and live in love.


Dear Oliver,

I am getting your father on board too so that we can double charge this together.


Minha pequena Nicole ainda não nos conhecemos, mas já te amo

Deixo para você o meu quintal onde o ar é perfumado pelas flores e árvores, a terra dá frutos e flores além de abrigar muitos bichinhos, a água é utilizada com consciência e o ser humano é respeitado e tratado como alguém que depende da natureza para VIVER.

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