I’ll use plastic the least I can’t. I’ll prepare my own bag.
To my grandchildren’s children,
I became an activist to be part of a force to save the natural world and go 100% clean energy.
Dear Great Grandchildren,
If you are reading this, you probably inherited my fascination with ancestry, and the way it uncovers incredible stories of unlikely survival.
We will look back on our time here and ask, “What did I do?”
If we truly live our present moment, maybe you’ll have a future.
Dear future child,
We’re presenting at conferences, writing articles, and organizing events with the goal of mobilizing our profession to act on climate, and to help them understand that it will deeply impact our mission to preserve history for future generations.
Querida Alê,
Por você idealizei um mundo melhor e lutei incessantemente por ele.
Dear Tomorrow,
I will opt up to deep green
Dear future generations,
My hope for you is that you can have equal experiences with nature that I was able to have with my dad.
Dear Soren,
In this world that is changing before our eyes, I believe that is our task: standing unflinchingly on the side of love, connecting with others, and forging ahead together.
Dear Alba:
There is still a lot of beauty and I will do what I can to keep it from slipping away.
Dear Tomorrow,
Be the person who shows up. Be the person who continues to advocate for change because change is possible – it is possible in the most partisan of politics.
Dear fantastic,
We as the human race are smarter than this struggle at hand and need to rise above large corporate interests and confusion on this topic.
Dear Tomorrow,
I promise to eat less meat.