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Spencer Cadley
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Dear whomever it may concern or me,

I hope that you are doing well or at least better than we are doing today in America. I am currently at YMCA Camp Chingachgook and starting my first week as an intern to try and help the camp get ready for the summer of 2021. This is important because it is currently the COVID-19 global pandemic and it has been roughly one year since things shut down (more like 11 months to be exact). Businesses are closing, I have not gone out to any real sit down restaurants in months and the only activity you can really do outside the house is go shopping for supplies. We as a people are facing a massive global climate crisis which has already permanently scarred the earth, I hope by the time you are reading this that that has been fixed or at least brought under control.

Waking up every day brings new surprise and struggles that can greatly affect one’s quality of life. Hundreds of thousands of people are dying, millions have lost their jobs, and nobody knows what tomorrow brings. But People are adapting, people see who their real friends are, find online communities, and even are rising up to try and fight back against a corrupt and rich wall street (GME$). I sincerely hope that in the future we are able to change for the better. That there is more compassion and meaning behind people’s actions, that that everyone is seen as an individual rather than a label. It is perhaps one of the worst social climates our country has ever seen, coming off the President Trump our nation has been shaken to its core and divided. There is no reconciliation in sight because no side is willing to change. I hope that in a few months I can say that things have gone back to normal and our nation and world has healed, but that is not realistic, every day is a new normal and things are evolving faster than ever. I hope that the technology of the future can help solve these political and very human issues, because I want somebody to be able to read this letter someday.

Note Added 5/6/2021
While much of this letter still holds true, the nation and world is starting to open back up in places. Including vaccinations for just about anyone that wants one in the United States, and I have been able to go out safely with other vaccinated friends safely for the first time in years. Although, this has primarily shown me that our medical system is broken, if we as a nation took health overall with this level of response and safety the world could be a much healthier place. I hope the future holds a world like that. Also quick note, snow days probably will not exist in the future anymore due to the ability to have classes remote and in person at the same time, so that sucks for future generations.

I hope that the future holds more hope than the present… stay strong.
-Spencer Cadley (2/3/21)

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More Messages to the Future


To all the people here on earth,

Who knows what the future would look like? or what will happened in the future? No one knows right? That’s why it it’s scary because we don’t know what lies ahead. We couldn’t stop the future but we can always change it.


Dear Elliott,

We’re moving into uncertain times, and your dad and I worry. A lot. But you’re keeping us going. You’re pushing us to make better choices and not give up.


Dear future generations,

I pledge to you now that I will work tirelessly and with all my willpower so you don’t have to live in a world where you have to worry about the next storm.


Dear Ellis,

So, dear heart, I am doing everything I can as the situation worsens.


Dear Tomorrow,

I promise I will encourage everyone to adopt a plant-based diet. Good for our health, the animals and the planet.


Dear Lucy,

The clock ticks, time passes, and the earth and all of its inhabitants move closer to dangerous boundaries we can dimly discern but cannot see clearly.


My dear Honeys,

I think every parent believes that their child’s future is worth protecting – because I know the power of this force in me and what I am willing to do.


Dear friend,

I will fight for this cause and I will never ever give up because we, the youngsters, are the hope.


Dear Tomorrow,

The only way to survive it, even if you don’t feel like you’re winning, is to keep your hands on the rope.


Dear Me,

Today, I promise to keep my spaces clean and my environment cleaner.


Annalu minha filha amada,

Espero de coração que, no futuro, você possa olhar para trás e se orgulhar muito dos pais que teve.


Dear Annie and Eric,

I hope that this life of good things is not just yours to enjoy, but that you also have decided to fight for others to have this life, too.

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