Dear Vandi, Jony, Katko a Marti
slibuju Vam vsem ctyrem, ze udelam vse, co bude v mych skromnych silach, abyste se mohli Vy i Vase deti videt na vlastni oci obrazky jako je tento… Mam Vas moc rad, Martin (tata)
slibuju Vam vsem ctyrem, ze udelam vse, co bude v mych skromnych silach, abyste se mohli Vy i Vase deti videt na vlastni oci obrazky jako je tento… Mam Vas moc rad, Martin (tata)
Dear Sander,
I pray that you are having a happy life and that you have contributed each year of your life into helping to make our planet healthy, cleaner, thriving and greener- a better place for all people and animals to live.
Dear Me of 2050,
I promise that I will plant more trees in places where there are none.
To my unborn children, hey it’s mummy Cris here!
I am witnessing climate change in a way that I do not like, and I do not know how can I stop it.
To my great-great grandchildren,
I don’t know your name
or even if you’re alive,
but I’m doing all I can
to make sure you survive.
I’m your great- great grandmother
who lived a century ago
in a world far different
from the one you must know.
To my future children,
I am doing everything I can because I want the footprint that I leave behind to be my feet in the sand on a beach and not a carbon one.
To my grandchildren,
Ahora vivo en la ciudad de México y cuando debe de llover no llueve… cuando hace calor de verdad hace calor.
Dear Tomorrow,
I have solar and will be getting an electric car next week
Dear Ellis,
So, dear heart, I am doing everything I can as the situation worsens.
My grandchildren,
I promise to do my very best to educate your parents as best I can.
Dear Annalyse and Greyson,
See people can say they care about climate change, but caring is not action.
Dear Maya,
Maya, my love, I promise to be courageous. I promise that when I face a decision, I will think of how it will impact you and your future. I promise that I’ll also step outside my individual decisions and add my weight to the forces that shift culture and systems.
Dear Tomorrow,
I promise to educate myself and others about how we can protect and nourish our 1 PLANET