Dear Tomorrow-My letter to the future 2030
Dear Tomorrow, my sons, family, friends and all my brothers and sisters here on this small island we call our home….mother Earth.
As I write to you today Nov. 13, 2016, to you in the future 2030, I hope, and pray that it finds you well, in Peace, Love, Joy, Happiness, Brotherhood, and Abundance, on an Earth that is with CLEAN Air, Water, Land and Food. But, I am both deeply saddened, and terrified that many, if not all those things will not happen and not come to be. So, I am writing you to tell you how sorry, sad, and deeply ashamed I feel for not being able to do more to make sure your future is better and brighter than what I, and we had. I have tried to share my commitment in my life, with all my friends, family, and in all my communication to the point that many choose to ignore me now. But in all fairness to them and us, we have been, and are being misled, and manipulated by a very organized system of greedy corporate criminals that have control of our governments, that put their interest of profit ahead of the peoples interest. Clean, Safe, renewable energy, and organic foods are the answer but instead, corporations, and our governments support and force dirty polluting energy, and dangerous drugs, vaccines, and GMO Foods on us. So once again, and with a heavy heart, I say that I am most sorry I/we could not work through our differences, and see through the greed, get organized, and do more so that you could have a better life in your 2030 future. We need to remember, and understand that “WE ARE ALL ONE……ONE PLANET, ONE NATION, ONE RACE”.
In Peace, Love, and Light, your friend, and brother……Sam