Dear Tomorrow,
I promise to buy organic food and run more and bike more! (I could use the exercise.)
I promise to buy organic food and run more and bike more! (I could use the exercise.)
Paz e bem
Vivamos a vida com intensidade, Não nos importando a localidade.
Dear future niece or nephew,
We loved hiking, camping, biking, swimming and playing as kids together.
Dear Llewyn, beloved grandson …
I can only say that I devoted myself to doing as much as I could to make it better, to provide for a just transition, and to fight those forces that continued to exploit the Eaarth with extractive methods, methods that always also included oppressing some people–because those doing the oppression believed that they were better and deserved more.
All you can do is your best. You can encourage the same in others. You can admit your mistakes and those of your ancestors. You can learn from them, and help however you can. I’ll do the same. I promise.
Dear Tomorrow,
I promise to pick up trash at every beach I visit 🙂 and to bike for local errands.
Dear Spike, Loulou and Yoshua,
I’m going to start a campaign to try to convince everybody in the Netherlands to not eat meat one day a week.
To the future generations,
I hope that you all can enjoy the Smokey Mountains in your lifetime too and that they look how they did back in 2017 when I saw them.
Dear Tomorrow,
I promise I will do everything I can to help fight against climate change.
Dear Kaydence,
I will keep trying Kaydence, I promise. And I hope we can look back together in 2050 and smile, knowing that our Earth is healthy once again.
Oh My Lovely Faizan,
I love you my son. You are waking up now. Hopefully tomorrow, more of us will, too.
To my Children,
As you look through your window, I hope you will see a bright future. I hope you dream big, and that you have the courage, drive, and fortitude to do everything you can to achieve those dreams.
Dear Future Self,
It was 2020, the year I realized that life is fragile—not just mine, but the entire planet—through immense consumption, pollution, greediness, ignorance, false bliss. This wasn’t the way I wanted to live my life, so I promise to actively make the change.