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Dear Tomorrow,

Our world was not always the way it appears now. The world we live in today has changed so much compared to how it used to be. As time passed by, stubborn individuals did not want to take care of our planet. They did not want to believe in climate change or maybe they simply did not care. Living in denial cost us our beautiful oceans, snowy mountains, delicious foods and homes. We now live in a dry and hot planet in which we barely are able to survive due to the decreasing amount of resources as the world continues to deteriorate as each day passes. It may now be too late to go back and reverse the damage that has been done. All of the opportunities we had seem to have disappeared. People that did not want to listen have cost us our once beautiful planet. I hope that future generations do not have to suffer the way we are now suffering. I hope we can still reverse the damage we have done.

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More Messages to the Future


Dear Tomorrow-My letter to the future 2030

I am most sorry we could not work through our differences, and see through the greed, get organized, and do more so that you could have a better life in your 2030 future.


Minhas lindas,

As causas das mudanças no clima são tão profundas e envolvem tanta gente e tantos lugares.


Dear Tomorrow,

I promise to live a car-free lifestyle.


Dear Evan,

What has most inspired me to act is wanting to be able to look you in the eye and say, “When I became aware of the existential threat of climate change, I did all I could.”  Despite my pessimism, I act in the hope it can make a difference for future generations and all the precious life on our fragile planet.


Dear next generation,

I hope that by the time you’re reading this, things have changed and people have started to protect the earth


Dear Tomorrow,

I promise to pick up trash at every beach I visit, use metal straws, take quick showers.


To what we’ve overcome.

The first step would be in overcoming ourselves. Because whether we end up fading into obscurity, or thriving in prosperity, we will overcome ourselves.


Olá minha querida filha Julia,

Muita Coragem e força para você enfrentar todos os desafios que virão, pois são com eles que crescemos.


Dear Valentina & Luis,

You both know I have made it my mission to get people to understand more about the state of our planet‘s climate and what was at stake.


Dear Sadie,

You are young and have a rich future ahead of you. I am retired and aiming for a high quality of cultural life and comfort with whatever time remains to me. I do not want to see a world whose elders sacrifice your future for their short-term needs and personal gain. So it’s up to you and me to speak out.


Dear son,

Everyone should be grow at least 100 trees in his lifetime.


Dear Tomorrow and Dearest Lex, 

I do believe that the collective power of everyone’s best efforts can curb the worst effects of climate change, and provide you with a more stable and secure future.

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