Awareness is key. Learning about this issue can seem like a small effort compared to other actions, but it’s the most important.

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Shelby Klingberg
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Dear Tomorrow,

Your beauty, intelligence, and resilience will astonish me, but I’m worried that your future may be dull or bleak. The climate is changing drastically and the beauty and hope I have witnessed in my lifetime, that has inspired me so much, may be gone. I want you to be able to see the strength and nurturing nature of this earth; to appreciate its existence in its simplicity. However, the way our society is headed may lead to a different world for you.

This issue plagues my mind. Every day I try to get outside and embrace nature, even in the city. We are connected to this earth, physically we depend on it, but there is another level of understanding and connection that can be reached with the earth. I may be seen as a hippie tree hugger, but it’s well worth it. I’ve gotten to see so much of this world and I’m troubled that too many take it for granted. Astonishingly, some don’t even believe climate change exists. It scares me that the majority might only believe when its affecting us all, and that’s too late.

Awareness is key. Learning about this issue can seem like a small effort compared to other actions, but it’s the most important. I’m sure I have taught you well, just as my mother has taught me. Please, share this understanding and love. Connect with others to create change. I started small by trying to live more environmentally friendly. From being vegetarian to vegan, walking and biking, just using less energy in general.

Hopefully, in my lifetime, I have helped create systemic change. Policy change is essential to saving our planet. One example, is the use of fossil fuels. My plan and hope for my future is to continually learn about climate change and spread awareness. As a collective we have so much power and can better our lives. By building communities and having intentional dialogue with others, I strive to change perspectives, help others understand and adjust daily habits. We must pave the path for you. To be cheesy, we are the raindrop and you will be our ripples. I want you to embrace the world and if that means save it, try with all your might like I am.

All my love,

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More Messages to the Future


Dear Hannah, Harper and future baby of Ryan and Colleen Lane,

I will not stop fighting for a more sustainable future, your future.


Dear future me,

I am 19 years old, and I am angry.


Querido amanhã,

Em fim, espero que você receba essa mensagem, e entenda o quão pequenos nos somos e como é importante preservar o planeta terra.


Dear Kids,

My mistake was thinking I needed to give you more to be a good Mom. Recently your aunt asked me what my favorite toy was growing up. I gulped, I didn’t have one- it was the outdoors, sliding down a ravine of leaves with my Dad, skiing and camping. Today is October 12th, 2021 and I am still going to be giving you a lot, it’s going to look a little different – love, experiences, education and a healthy planet.


Dear Lincoln,

I wanted to let you know that in 2019 that there were real struggles with the health of our planet.


Dear Hailey and Lily,

We know about this. If we don’t fix this for you, it’s our fault.


Querida Futuro Yo,

Quiero que puedas decirme que lo hemos logrado, y que el mundo hoy es un poquito mejor porque nosotras pusimos de nuestra parte.


Dear Sinchi,

The world is changing and it is happening fast.


to my dearest children,

Our future is being made now, and I promise to do everything in my power to make yours safe.


Dear Victoria, sugar pie honey bunch, chiquita loquita,

How can I look at your bright eyes and light dance and tell you we are facing a war?


My dear Honeys,

I think every parent believes that their child’s future is worth protecting – because I know the power of this force in me and what I am willing to do.


Dear Tomorrow-My letter to the future 2030

I am most sorry we could not work through our differences, and see through the greed, get organized, and do more so that you could have a better life in your 2030 future.

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