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Elzeftawy Ayman
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Dear Tomorrow,

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Dear Indigenous Persons with Disabilities,

Dear Indigenous Persons with Disabilities,


Dear James,

More importantly, what are we doing to better our planet and everyone who lives in it?


Dear Ezmae,

As I write this, I consider giving up as it sometimes seems that all is lost. But then I think of you.


Dear Makena,

Sweetie, you deserve clean air, water and soil. You deserve to thrive in an environment that supports you.


To My Future Children,

Most importantly, I hope you live in a world where science is taken seriously and fact is clearly distinguished from fiction.


Dear Elliott,

We’re moving into uncertain times, and your dad and I worry. A lot. But you’re keeping us going. You’re pushing us to make better choices and not give up.


Dear Kids,

My mistake was thinking I needed to give you more to be a good Mom. Recently your aunt asked me what my favorite toy was growing up. I gulped, I didn’t have one- it was the outdoors, sliding down a ravine of leaves with my Dad, skiing and camping. Today is October 12th, 2021 and I am still going to be giving you a lot, it’s going to look a little different – love, experiences, education and a healthy planet.


To the wonderful children of our family – Elayna, Julianna, and James –

There is no issue more important to your future and your friends’ future than stemming climate change.


Jeremy M,

My promise is to work to protest carbon emissions.


Dear Tomorrow,

I promise to clean the earth.


Happy 34th birthday my son.

To laugh at our efforts as they were on such a small scale, too small some would say to make a difference, and then smile when we think about the number families just like ours that did the same thing.


To the wonder,

Dear tomorrow, thank you for letting me ride the wave of wonder that reaches toward you for all generations of all species to come.

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