Unfortunately, our selfishness and excessive greed have closed our eyes to the well-being of the planet, and it has suffered the consequences.

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Andreia Tibolla Spengler
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Dear tomorrow,

I write to you today apologizing for the attitudes of the generations that have inhabited the Earth until now and I worry about you and all future generations. Unfortunately, our selfishness and excessive greed have closed our eyes to the well-being of the planet, and it has suffered the consequences. We don’t take care of him as we should, but I have hope and I believe that we will change this situation. We are trying to make people aware to recycle the garbage from their homes, to plant trees and not deforest conservation forests, car companies are creating less polluting vehicles, and so on. So please be better than us. Don’t let greed outweigh your ethical and moral values. Be wise, whatever you sow you or someone else will reap one day.
I’m trying to do my part today, recycling, donating, and reusing pieces of clothing, not being a consumerist person, but I want to be even better, reducing electricity consumption at home and using fewer combustion cars.

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More Messages to the Future


Dear Tomorrow

I will become the change I wish to see in the world.


Dear Tomorrow,

I promise to ride a bike and take a smart train.


Dear Future Self,

It was 2020, the year I realized that life is fragile—not just mine, but the entire planet—through immense consumption, pollution, greediness, ignorance, false bliss. This wasn’t the way I wanted to live my life, so I promise to actively make the change.


To the Three most Beautiful Souls I could ever Know,

I promise to keep your Love at the forefront of my every move. I will make personal changes and I will learn more, so that I can contribute to a healthier environment in a meaningful way.


Dear Brady,

I will work everyday to combat climate change for your today, for your tomorrow!


To my children,

I hope that the fervor that is building continues to build and spread and that the world has made progress to minimize the effects of our past actions.


Dear Daughter,

I want you to be prepared for the world that the generations before you are creating for you. I love you Lucienne, and I will not give up. I will push you and teach you not to give up, either, even if others around you do.


To My Children,

Is the world really polluted?


Dear Future Explorers,

I am often faced with the question: why do I care so much about this pale blue dot that we inhabit?


Annalu minha filha amada,

Espero de coração que, no futuro, você possa olhar para trás e se orgulhar muito dos pais que teve.


To anyone who has heard my music,

I promise to care about the planet.


Oh My Lovely Faizan,

I love you my son. You are waking up now. Hopefully tomorrow, more of us will, too.

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