Dear Tomorrow,
I promise to work with my family and neighbors to reduce carbon output.
I promise to work with my family and neighbors to reduce carbon output.
Dear Tomorrow
Dear Tomorrow,
I promise to stop using a plastic straw.
Dear Tomorrow,
I promise to become more educated on the global issues that face populations I can’t see
Dear June and Colin,
I’m sad and angry that collectively more has not been done to this date. And that still with such dire warnings, obvious impacts, those in power are acting far too slowly.
Dear Tomorrow,
We want to let others know about how to fight climate crisis.
My darlings, Juno & Vaeda,
You ask insightful questions, and together we learn about the mysterious world we inhabit.
Dear Jamie and Jason,
My inspiration was the two of you. It started with thinking about the world you were inheriting and what your future was going to be like. But then you taught me how important it is to listen to you – to listen to young people.
Dear Nuriel, Eliran, and Rotem,
Sometimes I think we will never make it, but I know we must keep trying.
To my grandchildren’s children,
I became an activist to be part of a force to save the natural world and go 100% clean energy.
Dear Tomorrow,
I promise to never use a plastic straw.
Dear Me of Tomorrow,
I plan to plant more things this spring, as we do every year in our garden.
To my sons,
I’m voting with climate change as a top priority. I’ve tried to teach you boys that we need to clean up after ourselves and take care of the earth. I promise to continue doing these actions and more, for your sake.