Dear thousands of generations to come, hopefully,
We are in major climate changes and planet problems people would rather sit and watch the news than do something about it. Not long ago the biggest rainforest in the world begin burning and not many people did a lot about it but don’t be completely disappointed some did. Although some people care about our planet it’s not enough because people saying plastic straws should be ban and trees need to be planted it’s just WORDS. Actions is the only thing that’ll really do something. This generation of people may survive awhile but will you? Our generation does have problems and a LOT of flaws that I hope they can fix, that I hope they can act about! I hope that fires, deforestation, climate problems, and trash thrown into this world STOPS! Cause this world could end in a second and every second of your life you are being tested and yes god can make anything better and do anything but this world was given to us so we can take care of it and treat it like it’s supposed to be OUR HOME! So dear future generations to come get up off your feet go outside fix what’s wrong in your life or our planet TRY AT LEAST cause this all can be gone in a second. You’re probably living in a life with NO lack of technology but a life with lack of home which is this earth. So try to make a change the smallest if you can, go out and grow a tree in your backyard it might be a small doing at first but a big one in the end.