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Susanna Montgomery
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Dear Susanna,

I want to tell you that I am doing everything I can so that you and everyone you love can be happy. I want to take initiative of my life. With the way things are going now, you might be living on a very sad planet. But, I want to tell you that starting now and continuing forever, I’ll do anything I can to make sure this planet, our home, is the healthiest it can be. Because you’re worth it.


Susanna Montgomery

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More Messages to the Future


Dear Rowan & Tristan,

I promise to do everything I can as a daughter to our great Mother Earth to protect her wildlife and trees.


Dear Abigail and Olivia,

What stories will you tell them about our generation? Will we be heroes or villains?


Querida Futuro Yo,

Quiero que puedas decirme que lo hemos logrado, y que el mundo hoy es un poquito mejor porque nosotras pusimos de nuestra parte.


Hey kiddo,

I’ll be here to tell you all the ways I have fought for the health of our home, and fought to protect all of the wide, open spaces for you to run in. When you’re old enough, we can fight together.


To My Friends, Family and Future Grandchildren,

I realize my reflection of the past, current and future state of the environment paints a grim and pessimistic picture, but I feel optimistic in our ability to turn planet Earth’s fate around if we all work together and commit to making a change.


Dear Tomorrow,

I promise to use my reusable water bottle more often


Dear Tomorrow-My letter to the future 2030

I am most sorry we could not work through our differences, and see through the greed, get organized, and do more so that you could have a better life in your 2030 future.


Dear Rosie,

But when you are reading this years from now, by the light of a solar powered lamp, know that your dad, mom and millions of others who burned brightly with love for our kids did what we could, when we knew the stakes.



Saiba que enquanto eu tiver vida, minha voz não calará para alertar o mal que estamos fazendo agora para as nossas gerações futuras…


Dear Tomorrow,

I promise to educate myself and others about how we can protect and nourish our 1 PLANET


Dear Maret,

Right now I want to be hopeful. Right now I want to think that we took action to ensure this beautiful future for you.


Dear Tomorrow,

I promise to ride more and drive less.

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