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Dear son or Daughter…

Climate change is a problem that touches our entire population, it menaces everything we ever did; our inventions, our knowledge and different cultures. It is a problem where the solution resides in every one of us, if we want change, we need to have more will; we need to change our individual ways, we need to influence the most people and we need to put pressure on the ones in power, the ones that are able to allow a direct impact to make a positive change. Like we were able to do in the past, I have hope that humanity will find a quick solution to the problem and maybe allow new technologies that could be in favor of our planet. You don’t need to experience the problem to know it is real, look at the physical repercussions; natural catastrophes, rising sea level, and take a look at the ecological grief; people are affected mentally by this problem in many ways. Our changing environment influences negatively our mental health and it is more than a sign for us to wake up and take action. I am scared towards the situation, I feel like people have lost hope when they say it is too late, not just one can find the solution, it is a problem that is out of one’s control, we need to act together and follow leaders that have the ambition to influence for the better our future. Although, I still have hope, I like to have hope, it motivates me. My promise is that I will do anything I can do to better my ways. I want to undertake ways that are in favor of our survival and beautiful planet. I will spread ideas and positivity concerning the problem in order to touch the most people in hope they will better themselves for the better of our world and every single thing that is involved in it.

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More Messages to the Future


Dear Chay and Kate,

Don’t ever let anyone tell you your actions don’t matter. Every single thing you do matters. You matter.


To my unborn children, hey it’s mummy Cris here!

I am witnessing climate change in a way that I do not like, and I do not know how can I stop it.


Dear Tomorrow,

I promise I will take short showers, eat less meat, and buy local more often.


Dear Children,

I wish I had a crystal ball and could peep into it to see you all happy and safe in a world that nourishes you and that is also nourished by you, a world where the resources it provides are as valued as the people in it and not frittered away by greed and power.


Dear tomorrow,

Unfortunately, our selfishness and excessive greed have closed our eyes to the well-being of the planet, and it has suffered the consequences.


Dear Tomorrow,

I promise to ask five of my friends to plant trees.


Dear Future Sami Lee,

Everyone currently in life laughs and yells save the bees. We were a bee this year for Halloween and Lucy even came up with a great slogan “get with it honey”.


Dear girls,

I love you and I care deeply about your future.


Dear Future Grandchild,

We can learn a lot about how to treat others from stories that have been passed from generation to generation.


To my dear son,

Last year most of the world’s reefs turned white at some point, but because it was underwater you and your friends didn’t see.


Greetings 2050 earthling,

Starting in 2015 I committed my life to sustainability.


To my Maria and her children,

I have to tell you something: it is so hard to keep our life “green” for now, but we still keep trying.

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