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Dear Sam,

I promise you that your future will be wonderful. Your future will not be sad, it will not be bad, and it will not be gloomy. Your future will be full of green trees, blue water, and pink flowers. Your future will not be cloudy skies and dirty water. Your future will be happy. I promise to start making a difference for our world and to help save our planet. There are too many fun things to do here! Can a brotha play KanJam? We WILL save our earth because we HAVE to. There is no other option. Time to get to work! MLE.



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More Messages to the Future


To my beloved granddaughters, Margaret and Caroline,

Growing up in Germany, I often wondered what my parents had done to oppose the Nazi regime in the 1930’s that led to WWII.  I was so disappointed when I found out how passive they had been. For me, this was formative.


To Annika, Anders, Stella, Eva, and Mickey,

In writing to you, I realize that I don’t want you to be hard on yourself if you choose to not make this your cause. But it is mine, so I hope that you hold me accountable to some of what I wrote here.


My dear granddaughter Christy,

My own curiosity and knowing what a caring, aware young woman you are help me override despair.


My dear daughters,

I will use my voice to help bring awareness about climate change.


To our sweet grandson Caleb,

We want a safe and beautiful world for you, little Caleb, and for your children and grandchildren. We promise to do our part.


Dear Tomorrow,

I promise I will convince my family to switch their gas appliances to electric.


Dear Tomorrow,

I will stop using plastic and will plant trees. I will also not waste water and electricity.


I pledge to use less plastic.


Dear Tomorrow,

We only have 11 years left until the damage done by climate change is irreversible.


Dear Kids of the Future,

My wish for all of you is that the people of the present wake up and are able to change their habits.


Dear Tomorrow,

I promise to eat less meat.


Dear Alba:

There is still a lot of beauty and I will do what I can to keep it from slipping away.

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