Dear ‘Roxy’ (Aliyah),
If you are reading this I hope life has been treating you well. If not, let your uncle remind you that the stars in the sky are only there because someone saw the need for them- they saw the need for light. As I sit here at work in the college library, I can only manage to think about the beautiful, smart and ambitious women you have become. You are the light sweetheart- you can change the world with every breath you take. Right now, in 2018, the world is full of negativity. Being so young during all of the craziness reminds me that I want a better future for you. Strive to make this planet and those around you better; that doesn’t mean see who can race to be the most successful or who has the most notoriety. Instead, work cohesively to tear away at all that tries to divide or separate the human race. Spread awareness on topics that concern not just a single group but a whole ecosystem. Most importantly and I mean MOST importantly, spread peace, love and positivity. Never lose sight of who you are and who you strive to be. Who you are is all the world needs for change and if you don’t believe me take a look back at history… With enough said I shall close with this- I love you and never stop loving yourself or others… because remember, hurt people hurt people and love is always the answer.