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Dear offspring,

First and foremost I love you and I don’t even know you yet but I know you’re amazing. I really hope we fixed the climate mess that the generation before me wrecked. I’m sorry if it didn’t, but I promise you I have and will live a very sustainable life. I love you.

With love, Your Mother

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More Messages to the Future


Dear Tomorrow,

Be the person who shows up. Be the person who continues to advocate for change because change is possible – it is possible in the most partisan of politics.


Dear Generations to Be,

If we could all slow down, look around and connect: with each other, the Earth, the sky, the plants and rocks and animals, then maybe we can all remember to treat everyone and everything with respect and live in love.


To My Future Children,

Most importantly, I hope you live in a world where science is taken seriously and fact is clearly distinguished from fiction.


Dear future child whatever your name is,

Climate change right now is really bad, I’m writing this during the COP26 conference in Glasgow (which is an hour away) and I’m listening to politicians talking about promises for the future. “If we fail, future generations will never forgive us.” -Boris Johnson



Saiba que enquanto eu tiver vida, minha voz não calará para alertar o mal que estamos fazendo agora para as nossas gerações futuras…


Dear Tomorrow



Future Message to Earth,

Hope there will be no more droughts,
And no more pollution with which we fought,
Regarding every human should be taught,
Ensuring that we uniformly follow these thoughts.


Dear Tomorrow,

I promise to educate myself and others about how we can protect and nourish our 1 PLANET


Dear Tomorrow,

I will do my part to help ensure that there is an Earth left when we are done borrowing it.


To our sweet grandson Caleb,

We want a safe and beautiful world for you, little Caleb, and for your children and grandchildren. We promise to do our part.


Dear Future Family,

As I’m sitting here trying to think of the best words to say to you all, I am thinking of one major thing: that I can only hope that you all get to experience the incredible beauty created by our planet.


Dear Tomorrow,

I promise when I start my baking franchise, I will reduce pollution made by it as much as physically possible.

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