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Kate Ramos
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Dear me,

I’m sending this letter to remind you that you can stop and rest for awhile. I know life is throwing a fit of problems but I know you can handle it like you handled last year’s hurricane. Everything will be fine, just hold on to that. Love yourself the way you wanted to be loved, never let them say otherwise. Decide on your own. Know which path to travel. Forgive those who don’t ask for forgiveness. B strong and stand firm in the name of the Lord. Be faithful even others are not. Let this January 1, 2018 Kate remind you that half a year is well, so do more in the last remaining 6 months of your year. Don’t waste your time. I hope your not dating someone, focus on yourself, family and career comes first. Love is not required. Please stay single as I am now.

Kate from January 1, 2018

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