Dear me,
I am going to try and limit my waste and be more conscious of what and where I am shopping.
I am going to try and limit my waste and be more conscious of what and where I am shopping.
Dear Tomorrow,
No plastic straws, no water bottles, shop local, no meat.
To my dear children in the year 2050,
I don’t wish to go backwards, but I do wish we would slow down and design our brave new world with more care.
To the wonder,
Dear tomorrow, thank you for letting me ride the wave of wonder that reaches toward you for all generations of all species to come.
To my grandchildren’s children,
I became an activist to be part of a force to save the natural world and go 100% clean energy.
Dear future me,
If we don’t stop cutting down trees for agriculture and to build houses then the future generations will not think about trees when they hear the word Earth.
People of tomorrow,
Your path will only be as clear tomorrow as we have made it for you today.
Dear Tomorrow,
I promise I will convince my family to switch their gas appliances to electric.
Dear Tanuj,
The time has come to question ourselves as citizens about our own actions and the legacy we are leaving behind.
Dear Annie and Eric,
I hope that this life of good things is not just yours to enjoy, but that you also have decided to fight for others to have this life, too.
Dear Tomorrow
I promise to educate others TODAY.
Dear future generations,
It’s never too late to make a difference. Our actions have very real consequences. We can educate ourselves, learn from our mistakes, and take action. We can hold companies like big oil and big plastic accountable for their negative impacts on the environment. We can educate ourselves and others about what causes climate change and what actions we as individuals can take to lower our carbon footprints.
Al mio piccolo, grandissimo bambino,
Hai compiuto da poco 1 anno e giusto ieri hanno annunciato la scoperta di 7 pianeti che potrebbero racchiudere in essi la possibilità di sviluppare, o aver già sviluppato, vita a livello organico.