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Stella f
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Dear me,

I am going to try and limit my waste and be more conscious of what and where I am shopping.

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More Messages to the Future


I promise to stop eating junk food.


Dear future love,

A culture of consumption is the reason that my world faces such an ecological crisis, it is both necessary and proper to address the fundamental mindsets that have created such a destructive culture.


Dear future me,

If we don’t stop cutting down trees for agriculture and to build houses then the future generations will not think about trees when they hear the word Earth.


Dear future family and friends,

This is our house.


Dear Tomorrow,

My promise is to continue to dedicate my life, my business, and my future to creating cultures that embrace environmental action not only for our own good, but the good of the countless other species hurting from climate change.


Dear Future

My hope is for all who live in your time to still know the joy of swimming in the ocean, walking through the woods, and hiking in the mountains.


To my Maria and her children,

I have to tell you something: it is so hard to keep our life “green” for now, but we still keep trying.


Dear Tomorrow

I promise to reduce my waste production


Dear future generations,

I pledge to you now that I will work tirelessly and with all my willpower so you don’t have to live in a world where you have to worry about the next storm.


To my Kids,

I wish you all the best and always make sure that you can be proud of yourself and don’t need status-symbols for feeling nice.


Dear Tomorrow,

I promise to reach out to more people to ditch driving and consider using public transportation. I promise to convince Marin markets that sensible policies in density and mixed use planning will further enhance everyone’s quality of life.


My dear granddaughter Christy,

My own curiosity and knowing what a caring, aware young woman you are help me override despair.

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