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Dear Me,

Right now I am scared since we have 11 years to do something before a catastrophic end, which doesn’t sound too nice. I’m hoping it’s fixed by then. I’m trying to eat less meat and reuse a lot more of my items. Hopefully, we haven’t died yet by then.

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Querida Emanoely,

Gostaria que você se lembrasse das lições simples que mamãe e papai te ensinou, como cuidar das plantas e dos espaços coletivos.


To My Friends, Family and Future Grandchildren,

I realize my reflection of the past, current and future state of the environment paints a grim and pessimistic picture, but I feel optimistic in our ability to turn planet Earth’s fate around if we all work together and commit to making a change.


Hi buddy,

I can now see that the solutions are there, that a transition of the magnitude that is needed, is possible.


Dear Nieces and Nephews,

I tried.


Pour ma famille,

Il faut trouver le 7ème sens et se battre pour des causes justes, comme l´amour et la liberté.


Dear Brothers & Sisters All Across Mother Earth,

I promise to wholeheartedly live my life with an awareness of my personal impact on our communities and our planet.


Dear Future Family,

As I’m sitting here trying to think of the best words to say to you all, I am thinking of one major thing: that I can only hope that you all get to experience the incredible beauty created by our planet.


Dear Me,

Today, I promise to keep my spaces clean and my environment cleaner.


To my Maria and her children,

I have to tell you something: it is so hard to keep our life “green” for now, but we still keep trying.


Dear Future Me,

I promise that I will change my behavior to benefit our trees.


Dear friends,

Rather than exploit it, destroy it, poison it, why don’t we just enhance the beauty of it, guard it, and love it?


Dear Hailey and Lily,

We know about this. If we don’t fix this for you, it’s our fault.

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