Sent on by
Denise Barstow
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Dear Maman and Papa,

You came of age among Beatniks, but you chose to raise goats and had long hair. You raised us in the sixties, but you skipped the flower dresses and the bell-bottoms. Instead you ordered bulk organic food through a people’s cooperative.

You showed us how to compost before anyone ever talked about it in the news. You taught us how to repair and re-use before it ever became a slogan. You patiently corrected our mis-recycling until we learned to chuck each item into the right bin. You taught us to grow our food ourselves and to cook EVERYTHING from scratch. You taught us to work together while singing songs.

I hope I have faithfully passed on these values to Emmelyne and Solenn, and my dear girls, I hope you will pass on these values to your children, too. I love you and am so grateful for your contributions to preserving our beautiful planet.

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