Dear Lillyana,
Your Mom
Crystal Batignani, Va Beach SuperMom, Moms Clean Air Force
Dear Ellis,
So, dear heart, I am doing everything I can as the situation worsens.
Espero de verdade saber contribuir para legá-la inteira para você, e que todos saibamos fazer isso em conjunto também.
Meus filhos,
Espero que vcs tb encontrem ,de alguma forma,um caminho para colaborarem com Nossa Mãe Terra, bjs eternos.
Minhas lindas,
As causas das mudanças no clima são tão profundas e envolvem tanta gente e tantos lugares.
Dear fellow human,
May my tomorrow include more attention to these details so that you know that I do care.
For those who come after us,
This is for the countless children I already see suffering the impact of climate change around the world, and the generations to follow.
To my precious children,
As you’ve grown older, I’ve become increasingly aware that protecting you means more than ensuring your short-term safety. It also means ensuring that you’ll have a safe planet to live on.
to my dearest children,
Our future is being made now, and I promise to do everything in my power to make yours safe.
Antes de realizar qualquer ação pense no meio ambiente para que suas atitudes sejam pautadas na sustentabilidade. Assim o seu pensar e agir localmente poderão resvalar na escala global.
To my beloved granddaughters, Margaret and Caroline,
Growing up in Germany, I often wondered what my parents had done to oppose the Nazi regime in the 1930’s that led to WWII. I was so disappointed when I found out how passive they had been. For me, this was formative.
Dear love,
The world is facing some serious crises right now as Viral pandemic and war situation between Ukraine and Russia.
Dear Great Grandchildren,
If you are reading this, you probably inherited my fascination with ancestry, and the way it uncovers incredible stories of unlikely survival.