Dear Leo,
I promise to keep fighting for nature conservation— for you and me!
Dear Tomorrow,
I promise to take my bike everywhere. Taking Golden Gate Transit to SF tonight.
Dear Tomorrow,
I will stop using plastic and will plant trees. I will also not waste water and electricity.
Dear Tomorrow,
I promise to become more educated on the global issues that face populations I can’t see
Dear Potential Future Kiddo,
To think that my choices of sustainable commuting, eating a plant based diet, and working on our City’s zero waste program likely pale in comparison to the impact of not having a baby is nothing short of devastating. Does it make me a bad environmentalist to honor my maternal instincts?
Annalu minha filha amada,
Espero de coração que, no futuro, você possa olhar para trás e se orgulhar muito dos pais que teve.
Tratar de assuntos climáticos com responsabilidade no Brasil
Que se multipliquem estes novos heróis da Terra!
Dear residents of Bedminster, Bristol UK,
We hope we did enough
Olá minha querida filha Julia,
Muita Coragem e força para você enfrentar todos os desafios que virão, pois são com eles que crescemos.
Dear Gabriel,
When the worst consequences of climate change still feel far away today, or the barriers to acting on climate change seem steep today, I do not think about today. I think about you, and your world when you are my age.
I pledge to use less plastic.
Dear Alba:
There is still a lot of beauty and I will do what I can to keep it from slipping away.
Queridos filhos Heloísa e Henzo,
Tenho muito orgulho da minha função (agente de fiscalização ambiental do Acre) pois é através dela que posso dar um pouco do meu suor, para que no futuro ambos possam ter um lugar melhor para viver.