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Kyle Wonders
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Dear Kyle,

As I write this, I contemplate what your future looks like. The natural beauty that I find myself surrounded by could be completely different for you. And only you could know that, although I suppose you are me, so I will know too. I will know what a forever changed world will look like. Do you remember your childhood innocence? That time when you didn’t have to worry about climate change. The time when you didn’t feel compelled to act. That time is forever gone.

It has been quite a few years since you’ve entered the workforce. I pray you haven’t found yourself climate fatigued. I pray you still find the energy to act, you still find the space for hope, and you still fight for a better future. You did at one point. I am taking action. I am doing all I can in an effort to ensure that you don’t have to remember the world as it once was. I fight so you will be able to go out and see the wildlife that you so adore. So you don’t have to tell your kids about the diverse species you grew up with, the ever changing seasons you experienced, and the bliss you found in the outdoors. I fight so they will be able to experience all that, not just hear about it.

I fight, but I do not know if it will be enough. I am only one person, and the world is growing so rapidly. I can only hope that we have come together and found unity in our struggle. Unity is the only way I can see out of this crisis. I hope the climate crisis has overcome divides and brought the world together. I hope this is your reality.

Tell your children that I only ask one thing of them. I ask that they are able to go outside and find the beauty wherever they can. Tell them this planet is a gift, and within it is a beauty incomparable to anything else. Tell them I apologize for the state of the world they inherited, but I want them to know I believe in them. They have to pick up where my generation has left off. I can only hope that we have made that job easy for them…


Kyle Wonders

January 2021

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More Messages to the Future


To anyone who has heard my music,

I promise to care about the planet.


To all the children of the future and those who love them,

While there is still breath in this body I will give of my soul and my time and energy to making the world a better place, for you, and all the beautiful living beings of this world.


dear me in 2030,

I am smelling burning plastic!


Dear Isaiah,

I am grateful for your soul, for your creativity, for your empathy. All these are precious treasures that you have to offer the world. They will help. I thank you for being in this world right now, so that you can offer these gifts at a time of transition.


Dear Josh, LeeAnn, & Jessica,

I am very proud to know that You will treat Our Earth, Our Natural Gift, Our Playful Backyard with the same Awesome Respect that We give to each other, as a Family – Knowing that Our Earth, is Your Child Now.



All you can do is your best. You can encourage the same in others. You can admit your mistakes and those of your ancestors. You can learn from them, and help however you can. I’ll do the same. I promise.


Dear Tomorrow,

I promise to include the trees and animals in all my decisions.


To my child,

For the pale blue dot we live on, a precious beauty, I try to help.


My darling girls,

I can be brave enough to wake up.


Dear Annalyse and Greyson,

See people can say they care about climate change, but caring is not action.


To my future self,

It is today on March 6th, 2017 that you have made the decision to make a difference in this world.


Dear Nephew,

I believe i have truly played my part in raising awareness and practical solutions to climate change.

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