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Dear kidlets,

To my sweet little ones who do not yet know about or fully understand the ugly parts of the world–about violence, racism, sexism, homophobia, environmental degradation. Perhaps naively, I try to shield you from these things for as long as possible. I imagine a future where things are better. I see glimpses of light–with the Supreme Court’s recent ruling on gay marriage, for example–and I want to celebrate these with you. I want you to grow up in a world that is better than the one I grew up in. I want to teach you to love people equally, to ask hard questions, and to take care of the world in which we live.

I think about the problem of climate change often–I worry that the damage that has already been done is irreversible and that we have taken advantage of our resources in a way that we will not be able to repair.

It frightens me that people in positions of power still deny climate change. We need small scale AND large scale change–and we need it fast.

I will teach you about the importance of supporting the environment and fighting climate change. I will continue to make informed decisions for myself and our family. I will vote.

We all can do better. I hope for a better world for you, and for your children, and for all that come after.


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More Messages to the Future


To my children,

I am working with on shutting down the coal and unconventional gas industries in our country because I cannot think of a more direct way to protect you, the food, water and biodiversity we all love and rely on.


Dear Rowan & Tristan,

I promise to do everything I can as a daughter to our great Mother Earth to protect her wildlife and trees.


Dear next generation,

I hope that by the time you’re reading this, things have changed and people have started to protect the earth


Dear You Tomorrow,

What we failed to do, at least early on, was to see how important it was to put those solutions together. To combine into a way forward.


Dear Daughter,

I want you to be prepared for the world that the generations before you are creating for you. I love you Lucienne, and I will not give up. I will push you and teach you not to give up, either, even if others around you do.


Dear Future Grandchild,

We can learn a lot about how to treat others from stories that have been passed from generation to generation.


Dear future niece or nephew,

We loved hiking, camping, biking, swimming and playing as kids together.


Dear Tomorrow,

Don’t use plastic straws!


Dear grandkids,

I believe this fusion of ecology and economy backed by the digital technology is our great achievement.


Dear Valentina & Luis,

You both know I have made it my mission to get people to understand more about the state of our planet‘s climate and what was at stake.


To all the children of the future and those who love them,

While there is still breath in this body I will give of my soul and my time and energy to making the world a better place, for you, and all the beautiful living beings of this world.


Dear Tomorrow,

No plastic straws, no water bottles, shop local, no meat.

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