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Dear Johannes R,

I am in Chile right now and travelling the world basically… climate change gets worse and I am not helping right now with my travels. I hope that you will also be able to see and experience so many things, maybe it will be possible in a more sustainable way, but I wish for you to see as much, experience and learn new things and never doubt yourself because you are the most amazing person on earth.

I love you little brother 🙂

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More Messages to the Future


To my grandchildren,

Ahora vivo en la ciudad de México y cuando debe de llover no llueve… cuando hace calor de verdad hace calor.


To my future children,

It’s not enough to just recycle. I will sign petitions and call my local representatives. I will also engage in conversations about climate change – even with people with whom I don’t see eye-to-eye.


Dear Tomorrow,

I am so sorry we didn’t realize this predicament sooner.


Dear Tomorrow,

I promise to pick up trash at every beach I visit 🙂 and to bike for local errands.


Dear Tomorrow,

I promise I will eat vegan, organic, locally grown, and seasonal.


To my daughter and her children,

As a minister, I have preached that we are here to be of service to others and to be care takers of this wonderful planet that God has given us.


To my precious children

I want clean air, clean energy and muddy feet for you. I want this for all children.


Pick up your trash wherever you go!


Dear World,

The environment is important – take care of your actions to not destroy it starting from now.


To the future,

Today, I will hope and envision the future I wish to achieve. Then tomorrow, I will have tough conversations, I will call my local representatives, I will continue to fight for this world.


Dear Future,

“I knew you would want to know how the future turned out. You got so anxious about climate change as we grew older.  By coming back, I thought I could help you with that.”


Dear Tomorrow,

I feel optimistic for you, tomorrow. I can feel a shift happening already.

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