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Dear grandchildren,

I hope the world isn’t too fucked up for you. My parents and their parents have been doing some bad stuff in the world but my generation is trying to make a change. Hopefully, we where able to make a difference and you are able to experience nature the same way I did.

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More Messages to the Future


To My Children,

Is the world really polluted?


Dear Corey,

I promise to do all within my power to create a world that’s safe for you and your generation.


My dearest Paloma Bear,

I want the very best for you and for generations to come. There is only one planet earth. Your mommy and I will make a genuine effort to make an impact to protect it for you.


Dear Me of 2050,

I promise that I will plant more trees in places where there are none.


Dear Tomorrow,

I promise I will convince my family to switch their gas appliances to electric.


Dear Tomorrow,

I promise to eat less meat.


Dear Tomorrow,

I promise to turn old shirts into produce bags.


Dear grandkids,

I believe this fusion of ecology and economy backed by the digital technology is our great achievement.


Dear Leo,

Last week I took you to protest the Dakota Access Pipeline.


Queridas filhas Ana Luísa e Ana Carla,

Que vocês possam contar para seus filhos e netos que minha geração tomou consciência de sua responsabilidade e assumiu sua condição de natureza e a ela se reintegrou, com inteligência, interação respeitosa e solidariedade.


Dear Erica and Matthew,

I want you to be able to bring your kids to Tahoe and experience the same clarity that you had as a child.


Dear Maya,

Maya, my love, I promise to be courageous. I promise that when I face a decision, I will think of how it will impact you and your future. I promise that I’ll also step outside my individual decisions and add my weight to the forces that shift culture and systems.

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