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Dear grandchildren,

I hope the world isn’t too fucked up for you. My parents and their parents have been doing some bad stuff in the world but my generation is trying to make a change. Hopefully, we where able to make a difference and you are able to experience nature the same way I did.

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Dear Rowan and Anaka,

If we could talk, I would not be able to bear your gaze as you ask: How could you, the people in a position to change the course of climate change, fail to act?


Our Promise

I will turn my gas transmission into an electric car!


Dear World,

The environment is important – take care of your actions to not destroy it starting from now.


To my children – Chase, Maya and Harlan

I hope that we manage to change the system really soon, while there is still time. So that you are not left with the mess, and trying to fix something that you didn’t cause. I hope we figured out a way to be kind, and caring for others who will suffer more than us. A way to let go of the greed and look at ways we can help others rather than take from them.


Meus filhos,

Devemos conservar nosso planeta. Mas, para se fazer isso, temos que fazer isso juntos. Todos os seres humanos devem estar voltados para cuidar bem do lar em que vivemos e do presente que Deus nos deu para viver: a Terra.


Dear Tomorrow,

I promise to be creative – make art!


Dear little one,

In the coming months, we plan to complete a full assessment of our environmental impact online. We hope to discover our biggest areas of resource consumption, learn what we can do better, and create an action plan to improve over the next year.


Dear future Michelle,

As consumers, it is our duty to protest and force companies to be greener and avoid environmental damage, whether they are from the food industry or from any other production industry. It’s about time we start thinking greener.


Dear Corey,

I promise to do all within my power to create a world that’s safe for you and your generation.


To my daughter and her children,

As a minister, I have preached that we are here to be of service to others and to be care takers of this wonderful planet that God has given us.


Dear Malasher and Alex,

My goal was to help you grow into better citizens of our planet; to help you care about our natural world and to make everyday choices that reflect concern for our beautiful earth and our own health as well as encourage you to work together to make changes in our community.


My Mini & Lou,

Since I first sat down with these words, a pandemic has erupted. Racial violence is reaching a fever pitch and protests are raging across the nation. It feels like the planet is succumbing to entropy, slipping further into chaos. But I write to you from a time of shifting tides.

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