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Dear Future US Citizens,

Hopefully, you have learned from the mistakes we made and the actions we failed to take. Please take care of our Earth better than we have in the past. Do not ignore the signs that of environmental distress. Furthermore, know that you have in your own individual power to make palpable change. You sow the seeds for your own future. Please treat each other with respect and learn to appreciate your differences. Take care – Chris

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More Messages to the Future


To all the children of the future and those who love them,

While there is still breath in this body I will give of my soul and my time and energy to making the world a better place, for you, and all the beautiful living beings of this world.


Paz e bem

Vivamos a vida com intensidade, Não nos importando a localidade.


Dear Tomorrow,

I promise I’ll replace our lights with LED lights.


Dear old dude Mårten,

I know that the 2019 version of me (today that is) wished and hoped for that I did all within my power to turn the world around without loosing sight on the beauty of being alive.


Dear Gabriel,

A message from co-founder Jill Kubit:
Writing letters to our kids about climate change is hard. It should be.


Our Promise

I will turn my gas transmission into an electric car!


Dear Victoria, sugar pie honey bunch, chiquita loquita,

How can I look at your bright eyes and light dance and tell you we are facing a war?


Meus filhos,

Devemos conservar nosso planeta. Mas, para se fazer isso, temos que fazer isso juntos. Todos os seres humanos devem estar voltados para cuidar bem do lar em que vivemos e do presente que Deus nos deu para viver: a Terra.


Dear Tomorrow,

I will opt up to deep green


Dear Child,

Hope we get to have that snowball fight I always dreamed we’d have.


Dear Ya’Ash,

There are many paths to Truth, but regardless of your faith or ideology, one truth is above all else: Life must continue.


Dear Tomorrow

I will get my roommates to be more environmentally friendly.

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