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Elizabeth McGinnis
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Dear future son or daughter,

I sometimes feel scared about creating you and bringing you into such an unstable world. However, I promise that when and if I am blessed to bring you into this world, it will be a world full of beauty. Although I know there will always be ugliness and fear, I promise to do whatever is in my power to keep the Earth clean and beautiful for you and your family to enjoy. There are few things I love more than spending time enjoying nature with those I love. I want you to be able to have the same types of experiences I had growing up and in my adult life. I promise to give you the chance to climb trees and hike up mountains–to see the Redwood Forest and the many oceans. I promise to stand up against those to seek to destroy the planet for either personal gain or shortsightedness. I promise to do what I can to help the Earth grow and flourish.

Love, Elizabeth (Mom)

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