Dear future self,
I know the state of our climate has looked pretty grim for a while now and that in 2050 you’ll only just be feeling the impacts of the emissions put into the atmosphere the year you were born. Nevertheless, you deserve a future filled with joy and hope for the years to come.
This, and our means of mitigating the impacts of the climate changing on our lives will need to come from our communities and our workplaces organizing to shift power away from those who would rather line their pockets than protect the integrity of our planet’s ecosystems and the richness of their biodiversity.
I promise to do what I can, for your sake and for the sake of your loved ones to do what I can to build a more loving society built around equitable, democratic ownership of the means of production and distribution.
I’m so proud of how far you’ve come and how far you have yet to go in continuing my work and the work of the communities whose shoulders we stand upon. No matter how bad conditions get, only together can we realize a beautiful vision for the future honoring our local and regional ecologies and our relationship with all things within them. Carry on and remember that I always love you.